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Showing category "Advanced Motorcycle Riding Course" (Show all posts)

Advantages Of Advance Motorbike Training

Posted by Spartan Motorcycle Couriers on Wednesday, July 1, 2020, In : Advanced Motorcycle Riding Course 
Advanced motorbike training is often less expensive than you might imagine.

That makes it a great way to improve your riding, save some money, and also meet other local riders.

What is an advanced rider qualification?

For many riders, the last training they received was to pass their original motorcycle test. If that was before 1997, they might have never received any instruction on riding a bike bigger than 125cc. And that training would have been tailored specifically to the test requirements,...

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Advanced Motorcycle Riding Course

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, June 15, 2017, In : Advanced Motorcycle Riding Course 
It is amazing the amount of money that is spent on motorcycles making them look better, go faster and stop quicker. Doing an Advanced Motorcycle Training course will help you achieve all of these and will cost you a lot less whilst gaining up to 17% discount from all the leading bike insurers in the UK.

The Enhanced Rider Scheme (ERS) is all about getting the most from your riding and your machine. With advanced motorcycle training you will:

  • Increase your riding skills and abilities
  • Learn to avo...

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