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How Do Blue Tooth Helmets Work

Posted by Mark Parker on Tuesday, June 18, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
You may well have seen motorcycle riders with strange looking extra additions to their motorbike helmets. Bluetooth headsets are becoming increasingly popular. We take a closer look at how they work.

Firstly, for those of us who may not know the background to the technology involved, let's begin by looking at the development of blue tooth and its used in global communications.

Bluetooth technology was originally invented as a way of enabling two pieces of hardware to communicate with each other...

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Security Courier Loads

Posted by Mark Davis on Saturday, May 25, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Security Courier UK. Delivery drivers make a living out of successfully collecting and dispatching items. They can maintain a positive reputation by keeping the courier loads safe. However, they do face a challenge when it comes to the protection of breakables. The advice given in this article is designed to make the job that little bit easier.

Choosing Containers

There is a wide selection of packaging types that can be used to store courier loads. Double sided cardboard boxes will suitably pro...

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Women and Motorcycles

Posted by Kathryn Windmill on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
When you think about people who ride motorcycles what do you think about? Long hair, long beards, and leather? Do you think about macho men hanging out in dive bars playing pool and drinking beer? These are typically the images that are portrayed to us as your typical biker. However, people from all walks of life, race, and even sex encompass motorcycle riders. That is right guys; women can also be avid motorcycle riders. For those women that chose to be part of the motorcycle culture it is e...

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Number of female riders growing

Posted by Kat Barker on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
It used to be pretty extremely uncommon to see a woman at the controls of a motorcycle. If a woman was on a bike, there was a guy in front and she was riding pillion. That started to change about 20 years ago and now women riders are the fastest growing segment in motorcycling. With their eyes ever set on trends in the industry, the motorcycle manufacturers are now targeting this group of potential customers with more bikes that fit their generally smaller stature. And as an added plus, this ...

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Motorcycle Rider Experience

Posted by Liz Francis on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
There's lots of information out there that gives advice on how to choose your first motorcycle and choosing motorcycle gear when you're just starting out. I have my own opinions about that as well, but I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to talk about what experts don't, what it's like to be a novice rider.

First, I'll admit that I bought a bike before I took the MSF class. (I have friends that bought new bikes before the course and the decision didn't always work out well) I bought a 20...

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Women Motorcycle Riders

Posted by Kim Morgan on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
In the early 1900's William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson did some experimenting with electric bicycles and created the first motorcycle. This invention changed the world and was the catalyst for getting riding where it is today. Since then many with an adventuresome, free spirit that love to ride and see the world from the back of a motorcycle of their choosing have joined the ranks of riders. From that day those joining the ranks have not just been men but also women. Today women riders put...

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Doing a track day

Posted by Howard Jones on Friday, March 8, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
If you're wanting to improve your road riding, you may not have thought of doing a track day on your pride and joy, or you may find it downright daunting. There are many reasons why not to, the thought of dropping your baby, others riders may being much better, and just the thought of being on a race track can be intimidating. However, if you want to become a better rider, get to know your bike better, and experience the joy of riding your bike in a controlled and safe environment, then a tra...

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Can I get a pick up from my house?

Posted by David Davis on Wednesday, February 20, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Sometimes you have something to gain by arranging a multi stop shipment with your Warrington courier service instead of setting up several different deliveries. This can save you money, and can also save you time by making sure that the deliveries are made to your clients as promptly as possible. However, not all couriers have this option. It is important therefore that you find out ahead of time if your courier company has options for multi stop shipments.

This is another service, just like s...

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Shipping parcels in bulk

Posted by Dan Walker on Saturday, February 2, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
This may not immediately jump out as a way of saving your company or customers money in shipping costs, but often shipping parcels in bulk can bring about big cost saving benefits. There are several circumstances in which it may apply to your business. Note though, that it will not be applicable for every business to consider shipping parcels in bulk.

Carriers are often able to offer you a discount if they ship your parcels in bulk to a supplier. To ship fifty of the same parcel to your custom...

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Sending high value parcels

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, February 2, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
High Value Parcel Courier UK. Sending out parcels that have a high value requires a lot more thought than simply putting a book in a cardboard box, and just using a normal parcel courier to deliver it.

Different high value parcels will require different methods of packing and transportation. Yet some very simple parcel delivery methods are still used. An example of this is the Diamond industry, where the stones are often sent via a normal postal service in very small packets, as this method ha...

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Motorcycle shipping services

Posted by Mark Mace on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
If you want to avail of motorcycle shipping services, look for one who knows not only to deliver your motorcycle on the designated date and place, but also one who knows how to take care of it. You wouldn't like for your motorcycle to have scratches on it and some dents during transit.

Motorcycle shipping is now made easy and convenient with the many businesses that now provide such services. There are a lot of service providers for motorcycle shipping, but you should get one, which you can tr...

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Your first motorcycle

Posted by Tim Jones on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Have you been smitten by the motorcycling bug? Have you seen that shiny new GSXRNINJACBRR1 going by in a blur and wished that was you? Thinking about buying your first motorcycle? There are lots of considerations to take into account.

A very important aspect of buying your first bike is the price. Many new motorcycles cost well over $10,000.00. Some premium models such as Ducati's and Harley-Davidsons can fetch over $20,000.00. Even if money is not a problem for you, it's probably not such a g...

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Selling your Motorcycle

Posted by Alfred Smith on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Motorcycles for sale' this banner attracts many eyes and turns many heads. As in this busy life person prefer to have that could go out of traffic easily without any hassle. To avoid traffic jams on roads people prefer to have a motorcycle rather than a car. Placing an ad needs some skills and some little tricks to get the better the price.

At first make your mind you have to sell the motorcycle. At the time you get bored with your motorcycle or do not want it any more, the place way to get ri...

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Efficient and reliable means of communication

Posted by Danny Morris on Thursday, January 24, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Techniques and methods being employed by modern service providers in the area of courier services, often make use of newer technological methods. For instance, most of them have dedicated websites and a team of technical support staff that are available 24 hours a day. Availability of such a feature ensures proper handling of customer grievances.. Moreover, presence of a dedicated website makes it easy for customers to track status in real time.

Story of sending messages with help of pigeons a...

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Shipping Heavy Items

Posted by Mark Parker on Thursday, January 17, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
With the advancement of technology and using a combination of transportation methods, shipping heavy items to any location in the world has become a much easier task Delivery companies now have the ability to ship items of almost any size, weight, and shape..

The best way of shipping a heavy item is through a reputable delivery company. Before contacting a company, you need to determine the size and weight of the item. Once you have the correct numbers, contact a shipping service to see if the...

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Secure your parcel this Christmas

Posted by Mark Davis on Monday, December 17, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
If you have family or friends that live far away, or you live far away from all of them, you may not get to see them this Christmas. As such, any presents you are buying them will need to sent to them.

As courier is often the best method for doing this, here are some simple steps for making sure your parcel is securely packaged up and the gifts arrive safely.

  • What type of item are you sending? Although it's unlikely to be liquid or powder based, those parcels that do contain this sort of item w...

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Choosing motorcycle tyres

Posted by Alex Davis on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
The performance of a motorcycle is one of the most important attributes when it comes to riding. Sitting side by side with safety, of course. The increase that a tyre could provide in both areas will sky rocket. Think, two riders take their own route to the next city. Eventually each rider will explore a different terrain. Wouldn't each need to be equipped for their own riding pleasure? Traveling down two lane roads all the way to the off-roads, everybody who owns a motorcycle needs to know h...

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Motorbikes for sale

Posted by John Morgan on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Looking To Buy A Motorcycle? You have made up your mind and you want to buy yourself a motorcycle. Have you decided to get a Harley-Davidson, a Triumph, a Honda or do you know yet? So where do you go to find motorcycles for sale? The easy answer is to motorcycle dealerships. Motorcycles are no different than automobiles in this respect. They have dealerships just like automobiles to find motorcycles for sale.

So what's the advantage of going to a dealership rather than purchasing from an indiv...

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Motorcycle Industry

Posted by Gordan Brand on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
There is a high chance you might find more motorcycles on the road as compared to other vehicles in the very near future. The motorcycle is one of the largest forms of transportation in Asian countries while fast gaining popularity worldwide due to its efficiency and ease of use.

A motorcycle is a single track, two wheeled vehicle for transportation purposes. There are several reasons which give motorcycles the nod over other types of vehicles. Motorcycles are widely used because of their mobi...

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Motorcycle stunt riding

Posted by Sian Murry on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Motorcycle Stunt Riding is banned on the open roads in United States and you can be put behind the bars for trying one. Still the activity is gaining popularity day by day in both United States and Great Britain.

When you are planning to buy a used motorcycle, make sure to find out whether the motorcycle was used for stunt purposes. Stunting can inflict heavy blows to the transmission, the engine, the shocks and suspension. Therefore, you have to be careful and check for signs of stunt activit...

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Vintage Motorcycles

Posted by Mark Lucas on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Motorcycles were first introduced in the later half of 19th century. Since the invention, motorcycles have become one of the most popular and common means of transportation. Vintage motorcycles are the earlier models of motorcycles which were manufactured after the First World War.

Vintage motorcycles are all time passion of bike riders and speed lovers. Apart from being a passion, some ardent rider also collects and preserves vintage motorcycles as treasures. The Japanese, British, Europeans,...

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Electric Motorcycles

Posted by Martin Ford on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
The motorcycle was introduced in the latter half of the 19th century. Since then this has been the most common and popular means of transport. An electric motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle powered by battery and is the latest innovation in the motorcycle industry.

Basically, electric motorcycles can be classified into two; power-on-demand motorcycles and power-assist motorcycles. Earlier, electric motorcycles were used only for races. With the introduction of electric motorcycles for general...

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How to pack your parcel

Posted by Mark James on Thursday, October 25, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Whether you're selling your unwanted items on online auctions sites, or sending documents around the world, your parcels still need to be well packaged.

Here's how to do it properly.

  • It's essential that you use the right size of box for your parcel. Underfilled boxes are likely to collapse and, and overfilled boxes can burst. Whilst you might be anxious about increasing the weight and so the cost of your parcel, you won't want your parcel to get damaged.

  • You'll need to use suitable and high qual...

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Don't text while driving

Posted by Martin Ford on Friday, October 5, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
When you have an urgent need to send a text message while you're driving courier loads around the UK, you may wish you worked in another country. As a professional driver who earns their living from delivering packages across your region, you will naturally understand (and comply with) the UK's laws about texting and driving - basically don't! But do you know what happens abroad?

Differing laws around the globe

In the UK, almost everyone understands that it's illegal to use a hand-held mobile p...

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Courier loads and packing tips

Posted by Mark Hughes on Friday, October 5, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
If you're shipping courier loads, packing the goods might be something you need to think carefully about.

Consider the weight

As a general rule, delivery companies tend to have various weight restrictions that differentiate between them and what might be termed freight carriers. However, whatever the debate on terminology, remember there's a relationship between the weight of your goods and the strength of the packaging needed.

It's not unknown for some poor drivers to arrive to collect somethin...

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Using internet to grow your courier business

Posted by Steve Davis on Monday, October 1, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
For many people in the delivery business, having an online presence to gain more courier jobs is often interpreted as having a website. While it is indeed instrumental to growing your business, the reality is that just having a website alone may not be enough.

Here are a few steps you can take to maximizing your website and web presence in order to win more customers, and more courier jobs!

What a Website Can't Do

When it comes to having a website, many people are under the impression that "if y...

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Parcel Air Couriers

Posted by Ryan Holland on Saturday, September 22, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
When sending your parcels abroad you will commonly use an International parcel courier service, who like your normal nationwide parcel courier service will come and collect it from your business, and arrange for it to be transported via airmail to your customer abroad.

In the majority of cases this will suffice for all your International parcel delivery needs. However your parcel may take several days to then be delivered to your customer via surface mail once it has landed in their country.


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How courier services help online traders

Posted by Simon Cross on Friday, September 21, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Decades ago, online selling was an impossible thing. First, there's the lack of know-how when it comes to e-commerce transactions. And second, there's the lack of cheap couriers. When purchasing something for a loved one who lives far away, the post office is the only accessible and affordable means of sending the item. But thanks to courier and parcel service companies, items bought online or offline can be shipped to any place in only a few days.

The quick and efficient handling of courier s...

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Value in using a local Courier Service

Posted by Mark Lucas on Friday, September 21, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
For any manufacturing company, downtime can be a nightmare. Thankfully, production down time can be planned to avoid major service disruptions and ensuing financial losses.

How you manage down time can very well mean the difference between a year of profit and a year of loss, making it imperative that manufacturing companies use whatever resources they have at their disposal to limit down time. Production lines shut down due to unscheduled maintenance may be the most frustrating, though luckil...

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Evolution of the motorcycle

Posted by Sam Smeeton on Tuesday, September 11, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
While the invention of the Motorcycle is subject to great debate and contention even today, what is certain is that its evolution is both impressive and fun to look at. From the early steam models and gas powered predecessors, to today's high performance designs, the journey of the Motorcycle's development is a testament to man's ingenuity and skill.

The idea of a two wheeled motorized vehicle appears to have occurred to multiple people at around the same time. Hence, there is a multitude of d...

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Motorcycle Riders Clubs

Posted by Nancy White on Monday, September 3, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
According to Wikipedia, a motorcycle club is a group of people who have a common interest in motorcycles. Motorcycle clubs are enterprises operating legally, mostly for fun and charity. However, there are those that are outlawed, usually referred to "Onepercenters" because they are estimated to be one percent of the motorcycle population. American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), the umbrella body of motorcycle clubs, currently has 1200 charted clubs under its wing and counting.

Motorcycle club...

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Travel the world as an Air Courier

Posted by Avril Harper on Monday, September 3, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Signing up to become an air courier is one of the easiest ways to travel the world free or at very low cost and there's a growing need for couriers, meaning more chances for more people to travel to many more places than they ever thought possible. But you have to know the rules involved as well as understand the very simple process of signing up to become an air courier as well as obtaining regular free flights.

Firms who recruit air couriers deal in time-sensitive material, meaning they must...

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Advantages of a Motorbike Track Day

Posted by Amy Hall on Friday, August 17, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
If you're a motorcyclist, you are familiar with the thrill you experience being in your own world, on a completely empty and winding road, enjoying a smooth ride. As a rider, you take a lot of risks riding on the streets and public access roads where there are possibilities of things going wrong. Potholes, vehicles, and a lot of other obstacles are all working against you. There is also the possibility of being pulled over, for trying to enjoy a good ride! However, you still love that feeling...
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Finding low cost motorcycle insurance

Posted by Marvin Woods on Wednesday, July 25, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
We are all aware of the great thrills of riding a bike, and how exhilarating it can be. It doesn't have to be a powerful motorcycle, such as a sport bike or a cruiser, you can have a lot of fun riding a small moped, too. But, when you own a bike, you have a lot of responsibilities, as well. The first thing you should do after you buy a bike, is purchase motorcycle insurance, which will protect you in case you get involved in an accident. Insurance costs are different for different types of mo...

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Causes of motorbike accidents

Posted by Julie Smith on Tuesday, July 24, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
The pleasure and thrill of riding on the open road in a motorcycle is unforgettable. It brings a different kind of freedom, fun and excitement for riders. There are no seatbelts to restrict your movement, no feeling of being contained inside. You ride with the wind.

However, nothing is worse than encountering an accident while you are riding a motorcycle. As much as the double pleasure and fun that you get from riding motorcycles instead of a car, injuries and damages tend to be doubly worse i...

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Fastest motorbikes in the world

Posted by Alan Liptrot on Thursday, July 5, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Hang onto your hats; we're going for a ride. The Superbike sector which was created during the seventies, would allow mere mortals such as you and I to ride something akin to the machines that our heroes use on the track. Of course we all ride sensibly, but to have that spare capacity in hand is something wonderful. Nobody's had this much power between their legs since Marilyn Monroe died. I can hear you all screaming 'Hayabusa', but here are a few others that turn heads (quickly). To avoid f...

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Why get a Trike?

Posted by Carl Davidson on Friday, June 22, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
If you like antique cars, muscle cars, luxury motorcycles or other toys, this article discusses a new trend in toys - trikes. These three wheeled motorcycles are safer, draw a lot of attention and are great to drive. Learn how to choose your dealer, whether to consider a conversion and how much fun you can have on a trike.You deserve a trike and the one with the most toys wins.

A new trend in toys is rolling across America. That trend is to trikes. What are trikes? They are highly customized, ...

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Dash Cam a smart purchase for Couriers

Posted by Lisa Jeeves on Tuesday, June 19, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
There are endless gadgets, apps and pieces of technology in the motor industry today that can be of great use to couriers. For self employed drivers, there is one piece of kit without which you should never hit the road, as it yields a handful of benefits. Of course, we’re talking about the dashboard video camera (otherwise known as the ‘dash cam’)!

These cameras sit on your dashboard and record audio and video of what is happening on the road ahead, to the side and behind you. In additi...

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Motorcycles in the military

Posted by Alan Liptrot on Monday, May 14, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
The speed and manoeuvrability of motorbikes has been a huge asset to armed forces throughout the world, with Harley-Davidson, Triumph and BMW all playing their part. 

The other day, I took the chance to watch again that fantastic movie ‘The Great Escape’. As I watched Bud Ekins take the place of Steve McQueen, to jump the wire fence on his Triumph, I began to wonder about the role of the motorcycle during wartime, so I did a little reading and was surprised to find that motorcycles have pl...

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You need a safe motorcycle helmet

Posted by Frank Medley on Wednesday, November 25, 2015, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 

As someone who rides their motorcycle frequently, you know that there are many dangerous situations out there on the road. You can easily get crowded by an aggressive or inattentive driver, who isn't paying attention to where you are on the road. You can also get caught in bad weather that you weren't expecting. A good driver knows that the best way to stay safe in these situations is to drive prudently and cautiously. But you can also invest in your safety in other ways, like by buying and w...

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Forest Heritage Scenic Byway – Asheville Best for Motorcycle Ride

Posted by Dewayne Jasper on Monday, April 7, 2014, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 

If you've ever had the pleasure of passing through or even visiting Asheville, NC, you'll understand that the surrounding mountains and scenery are simply magnificent. For thousands of years, the area has hosted a plethora of vegetation and wildlife in its natural state. Once the town of Asheville was established, neighboring communities began to immediately offer travelers a multitude of activities, from mountain biking and skiing to rock climbing and hiking. But you don't have to leave your...

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The risks of incorrectly fitting Suzuki saddlebags

Posted by Dewayne Jasper on Friday, January 31, 2014, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 

Some bikers might be under the impression that they can just slap on their Suzuki hard saddlebags and be on their way. However, as is the case with any bike part or accessory, much care needs to be taken when fitting them. Incorrect fitting of any kind of saddlebag can have disastrous consequences for everyone concerned. It is vital for bikers to understand that even the smallest decisions they make before mounting their trusty steed can impact them as well as other travelers.

Safely securing ...

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History Of Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

Posted by Larry Clark on Thursday, January 9, 2014, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Harley-Davidson got it's humble start when William Harley and Arthur Davidson produced the first production motorcycle in 1903. The motorcycle was to be a racing bike, and was built in a small shed wooden with the words Harley-Davidson Motor Company written on the front door. One year later Harley-Davidson had put out 3 production motorcycles for the public.

In 1905 Harley-Davidson wins it's first race and hires it's first employee. Three years later, in 1908, Harley-Davidson sold the first mo...
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How To Buy A Motorcycle

Posted by Scott Sanders on Monday, January 6, 2014, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 

So, you've finally decided that you're ready to buy that motorcycle you've been dreaming about for the past 10 years. Congratulations! Do you know how to buy a motorcycle? This ATV buyer's guide will provide everything you need to know before you buy. Whether you're a seasoned expert or just getting started, the following will be beneficial to you.

Hopefully, you've already taken at least one motorcycle safety course and gotten your motorcycle license. If you haven't, you should do it ...

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Motorcycles - Types And Use

Posted by Carolyn Clayton on Monday, January 6, 2014, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 

Until World War One the largest manufacturer of motorcycles was Indian who produced over 20,000 bikes per year. By 1920 this honour went to Harley Davidson. Today, the Japanese manufacturers, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Yamaha dominate the motorcycle industry, although Harley-Davidson still maintains a high degree of popularity in the United States.

Motorcycles have historically been associated with subcultures i.e. Cafe Racers of the 1950's and the Mod's and Rockers of the 1960's. In...

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