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Showing category "Motorbike Riding Tips" (Show all posts)

Riding on a USA Highway

Posted by Doug Fry on Friday, January 12, 2024, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
For many new riders, the thought of riding on the highway for the first time can be frightening – right up there with public speaking and bungee jumping. The higher speeds and sea of cars around you can seem intimidating, but riding on the highway doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, highway riding is probably safer than scrambling around on surface roads, since everybody’s going the same direction at more or less the same speed, and, critically, there’s no cross traffic to dodge. Befor...

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Riding a motorbike at night

Posted by Clair Fuller on Saturday, October 28, 2023, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding at night isn’t recommended for beginners. It requires more concentration, more expertise and the right gear. If you’re new to motorcycles, give yourself some time to build up your skills before you start riding at night. 

When you do decide you’re ready to start riding at night, don’t just assume your usual kit will be good enough. Take a look at some lists of essential night riding gear to get an idea of what the pros recommend for night rides. Talk to your rider friends about ...

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Learning to ride a motorcycle

Posted by Mark Davidson on Thursday, June 22, 2023, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding a motorcycle is easy enough, it’s just like, well, riding a bike. Easier, in fact, because there’s none of that awkward pedalling to upset your balance when you move off. The tricky part is mastering machine control while at the same time learning how to stay safe on the road and dealing with all the potential hazards you might encounter.

Having experience driving a car has both its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, you’ll already understand the rules of the road, so ...

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Riding as a motorcycle pillion passenger

Posted by Jeff Davis on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Although it may seem that riding “two-up” is more convenient than riding a motorcycle itself, the reality is something else. The pillion passenger will also need to be active, careful, and responsible to make the ride safe and enjoyable for both themselves and the rider. When riding two-up, being casual about your safety can be more dangerous than you think, so be vigilant.

If you have accepted an invitation to join your friend or colleague as a motorbike passenger, here are tips to prepar...

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Riding Your Motorbike In The Rain

Posted by Carl Davis on Sunday, May 7, 2023, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
People either love motorcycle riding in the rain or hate it. It can sometimes be a great experience and a new challenge, or it can completely put a dampener on your journey. Well if you are someone who would rather avoid riding in the rain at all costs, then this guide is for you, helping you to safely ride your motorbike come rain or shine.

Firstly though, we’d just like to make sure that with any motorcycle journey you go on, wet or dry, that you are making sure your tyre pressure is corre...

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Riding a motorcycle in the rain

Posted by Derek Clarke on Thursday, November 10, 2022, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding a motorcycle in the rain provides the rider with challenges. Challenges that are met via a skill set previously gained, but now with the need to enhance and extend.

The single biggest danger faced by any motorcycle rider is the inability to see properly. Rain hitting the visor reduces visibility – the heavier the rain the more reduced visibility. If your visibility is reduced slow down to an appropriate speed.

Finger visor wiper blades can be purchased, either as an add-on that fits ov...

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Slow Speed Control

Posted by Kevin Hill on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
You're touring. You take a wrong turn and end up down a single-track road. You carry on for a mile or so, but aren't seeing anywhere suitable to turn round. Do you A: stop, effortlessly U-turn and zoom off back to your route, or B: ride on in the hope you come across a junction, a wider section of road, or a driveway? If the answer is A, you're one of the lucky ones who's got to grips with slow control. If the answer is B, read on.

I bet far more riders than are willing to let on aren't as con...

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Night Motorcycle Riding

Posted by Spartan Motorcycle Couriers on Friday, July 30, 2021, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding in the dark can be much harder than riding in good light conditions. Even motorcyclists who have been riding for years can struggle once the sun goes down. However, it is not always possible to avoid riding at night. If you do need to ride at night, for whatever reason, you should try to follow these safety tips to help to keep you safe.

Adjusting your Headlights

Before riding in the dark, you must make sure that your headlight is set up properly. The way that your weight sits on a bike ...

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Responding To Hazards On A Motorcycle

Posted by Spartan Motorcycle Couriers on Thursday, July 29, 2021, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Being prepared for hazards will help you to spot them early and take action in good time to keep you and other road users safe.

Getting a clear view

While you’re riding, it’s important to keep scanning the road ahead and around you so that you can spot potential hazards in good time: the sooner you spot a hazard, the easier it is to take action and avoid an incident.

There may be things along the road that limit what you can see, such as parked cars or overhanging trees. If you cannot see cl...

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Beginners Guide To Riding Your Motorbike In Winter

Posted by Kate Morris on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding a motorcycle comes with many responsibilities. Conscientious riders need the right awareness and the proper gear to ride safely. Not only are the normal issues that come with riding amplified in the winter weather, but it has many issues of its own that cause havoc for bikers every year, especially those who ride into it unprepared.

Knowing the gear that’s available to you to make your ride as safe and comfortable as possible is a must in the midst of all the new challenges that come ...

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Motorcycle riding at night

Posted by Harry Moore on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding in the dark can be much harder than riding in good light conditions. Even motorcyclists who have been riding for years can struggle once the sun goes down. However, it is not always possible to avoid riding at night. If you do need to ride at night, for whatever reason, you should try to follow these safety tips to help to keep you safe.

Adjusting your Headlights

Before riding in the dark, you must make sure that your headlight is set up properly. The way that your weight sits on a bike ...

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Motorbike Riding At Night

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, April 1, 2019, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding a motorcycle is a challenging experience, we all understand that. Add in the darkness of night and you've got an even more difficult task to take on. Here are some tips that will help you safely ride your motorcycle in the dark of night.

Proper Lighting

One obvious tip is that you should always make sure the lights on your motorcycle are working properly and that you have enough lighting to make you visible to others. Having a dim headlight will make it more difficult for you to see and ...

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Motorbike riding in winter

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, January 10, 2018, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Winter is here and night time is getting earlier and earlier, and this summer is feeling more and more like a distant memory. At this time of year, a lot of people will be putting their bikes safely in the garage for a few months – but what about those of us who like to ride for the whole year round? Whether you’re a winter riding newbie or a frost-hardened, full-bearded veteran, there’s always new bits of kit coming out to make life easier, and as riders, we’re always learning new tr...

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