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Showing category "Motorcycle Maintenance" (Show all posts)

Motorbike maintenance you can do yourself

Posted by Dave Steadman on Monday, September 4, 2023, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
When it comes to motorcycles, a little do-it-yourself maintenance could save you money and help keep you safe and also empower you. There’s a sense of confidence every time I ride the bike that everything’s just right. Here are some top tips for mastering your own motorcycle maintenance.

In practice, the requirements of each of these tasks can vary depending on your bike. Consult your owner’s manual before beginning to educate yourself about matters such as the location of filters and pl...

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Motorcycle checks you can do yourself

Posted by Carl Harris on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Like any vehicle, part and parcel of owning a motorcycle, and keeping it safe to ride, requires upkeep and regular servicing.

Depending on engine capacity (cc), this is normally every 4-6,000ks, or at least once a year — whichever comes first.

And there are some basics you can do yourself to ensure your bike is being maintained properly before it goes in for a service.

Check the tyre pressure and tread

Checking your tyres regularly for air pressure and any signs of wear and tear is a great habi...

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If Storing Your Motorbike For Winter

Posted by Jane Shaw on Monday, October 18, 2021, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Riding in winter can be great, and if we haven’t already convinced you of that then you're the one missing out. But, if we really can’t convince you to ride in winter then we're here to help make sure you store your bike the proper way.

The truth is winter salt will do its best to eat your bike alive and turn all its fasteners furrier than a Yeti’s bellybutton. Black ice and freezing rain can make driving conditions hazardous to say the least. Yep, when there is a foot of snow outside so...

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How to clean a motorcycle

Posted by Ashley Lloyd on Monday, September 3, 2018, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Why clean your motorcycle?

If you have paid good money for your motorcycle it is always important to make sure it looks its best. Why would you want to spend loads of money on a motorcycle just to let it go tatty and look dirty? If you are wanting to sell your motorcycle then making it look "spick and span" is a great way to catch a potential buyers eye and could even increase the value or what the buyer is willing to pay. Another great benefit of cleaning your motorcycle is can spot any fault...

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Taking Care Of Your Motorcycle

Posted by Erik Bjornstad on Saturday, August 18, 2018, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
There's nothing like riding a motorcycle on the open road. For most of the world, the motorcycle or 2-wheel scooter is the most common form or motorized transportation available.

Around 200 million motorcycles are in use worldwide and almost 60% of these are in Asia or the Far East - China and India both have over 35 million motorcycles and motorized scooters in use. Contrast this to the United States where the car is dominant. In fact, world's largest producer of 2-wheel vehicles isn't Harley...
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Checking a motorcycle battery

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, April 27, 2018, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 

With the battery removed, inspect the condition of the anti-vibration padding inside a battery carrier. Check the rubber padding inside the battery carrier. Check the rubber padding for damage, hardening of the rubber or bits missing. If this padding is damaged, the battery will rattle around inside the carrier, leading to vibration of the internals, and a shortened battery life.

Place the battery on a flat and safe surface and look at the liquid levels. They should all be above the LOWER LEVE...
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Motorcycle Service schedule

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, March 17, 2018, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
It is essential that you follow the schedule in the owners or workshop manual for your motorbike. The manufacturer will have devised a schedule specific to the mechanical characteristics of the machine, it's performance and intended use, thus ensuring that the machine can be kept in tip-top condition.

Service intervals are usually expressed in terms of distance covered ( miles or kilometres ) and time. Follow the mileage or months ( whichever comes first ). Note that extending the times/mileag...
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Cleaning your motorcycle

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, October 26, 2017, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Whether you own a custom cruiser or a sports bike, you'll want to keep your motorcycle away from commercial washing facilities and perform the cleaning ritual yourself. Those high-pressure hoses can damage bike parts, which are more vulnerable than mechanical parts in cars.

Be sure you find a shady spot to wash (and dry) your bike since the sun can create temperature differentials that harm paint and allow water to leave spots.

Assemble the following items as needed:

  • A bucket for soapy water
  • Soap...

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Storing your motorcycle

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, October 14, 2017, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Preparing a motorbike for long term storage sounds depressing. Motorcycles are made to be ridden, but that doesn’t mean circumstances won’t arise when you might have to leave your motorbike in the long term parking section of your garage or under a sheet. Here are some tips to assure it’s done properly.

Petrol and water mix about as well as, well, oil and water. Parking a motorcycle for an extended period of time with a tank half filled with gas is an invitation for condensation form. Th...

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Maintaining your motorbike

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
A motorcycle requires a lot of maintenance.  Motorcycles are different from cars because you only have two wheels to take you down the road, and one loose bolt on a bike can mean the difference between an enjoyable Sunday afternoon ride or a breakdown -- or worse yet, a crash.  We will discuss routine motorcycle maintenance, what to look for, and how to accomplish it.

Keep It Clean

While routine cleaning will make sure your bike to always looks its best, the simple act of washing and detailing ...

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Motorcycle tyre checks

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, October 22, 2015, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Motorcycle tyres must be checked when cold, not immediately after riding. Low tyre pressure may cause the tyre to slip on the rim or come off. High tyre pressures will cause abnormal tread wear and unsafe handling.

Use an accurate pressure gauge, many garage forecourt gauges are wildly inaccurate. If you buy your own spend as much as you can justify on a quality gauge.

Correct air pressure will increase tyre life and provide maximum stability, handling capability and ride comfort.


Tyre Care

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Building Up A Toolkit

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, November 20, 2013, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Good quality tools are as important to a motorcycle rider as a good set of riding clothes and helmet. The best and usually most expensive tools are really the preserve of the person who makes their living servicing and repairing motorcycles. The motorcycle rider services their motorcycle by following the manufacturer's recommendations on a time or mileage basis, but this doesn't mean that those old spanners and hammer that were found at the back of the shed will do.

 Purchase what you can affo...
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