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Showing category "Motorcycle Security" (Show all posts)

Motorcycle Security Tips

Posted by Dave Shaw on Thursday, January 11, 2024, In : Motorcycle Security 
Motorbike theft statistics show that springtime is when motorcycle thieves are most active. So now is the time when all motorcyclists should take a good look at how they secure their valuable bikes. In this post we provide some practical recommendations that we know will help in keeping scooters and bikes safe and secure.

It has been reported that the most popular bikes, targeted by thieves, are sports bikes and some of the most common models of motorcycles. The reason is that criminals know h...

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Keeping your motorbike safe

Posted by Dan Archer on Saturday, August 29, 2020, In : Motorcycle Security 
As a motorbike owner you probably love your bike or scooter, there’s no shame in that. You love it because it brings you so much joy. So, imagine the disappointment you would feel if you woke up one morning to find it had been stolen from your house. Or if you returned to your parking space to find it was no longer there, someone had taken it. Unfortunately scooter security/motorbike security is not something most bike owners do take seriously, which is why so many of them find themselves i...

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Keeping your motorcycle safe

Posted by Susan Hale on Sunday, December 8, 2019, In : Motorcycle Security 
Cover it up!

If you’re familiar with the phrase ‘out of sight, out of mind’ then you will appreciate that when it comes to preventing potential theft this is actually really good advice.

Why? Because if a thief can’t see your shiny new sports bike beneath a dirty old rain cover then maybe - just maybe - they’ll not be tempted to take it for a ride. In fact, it’s such a simple yet effective advice that even the UK motorcycling industry body - the MCIA, began distributing free motorcy...

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Motorbike Security Advice

Posted by Debra Wilson on Sunday, March 24, 2019, In : Motorcycle Security 
If you want to keep your motorbike secure and reduce your motorbike insurance rates at the same time, the best thing you can do is make sure you have extra security features installed to protect your bike from potential thieves. Fortunately, there are some inventive ways you can protect your investment from being stolen.

Security chains are the most popular devices used for securing motorbikes. They come in a wide variety of sizes and are made of several different sturdy materials that are des...

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Protect your motorcycle with GAP insurance

Posted by Sue Willis on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Motorcycle Security 
Imagine you just purchased a brand new Suzuki GSX-R1000 motorcycle two months ago, and it was stolen right before your eyes as you were eating in your favorite restaurant. Not to worry, you are fully protected by the full coverage motorcycle insurance policy your motorcycle lender required you to get. Right?

In most cases, not exactly, if you look into the details of the motorcycle insurance policy you purchased. The reason is that most full coverage motorcycle insurance policies will cover fo...

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Motorbike Security

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, February 2, 2018, In : Motorcycle Security 
Motorbikes are stolen for the same reason that we ride them, they’re smaller and less cumbersome than cars, they’re fast and fun machines and some are worth a lot of money. Some are stolen for parts, some are stolen for a joy ride and the problem is they are quite easy to steal. If you’ve ever been out on a ride with your friends, at least one of them has tried to wheel away or move your motorbike for a laugh. Motorcycle theft can be as simple as that, especially when you hear this shoc...

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Protecting your motorcycle while it's parked on the street

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, October 14, 2017, In : Motorcycle Security 
Leaving a motorbike on the street isn’t ideal, but if you have to do it there are a few motorbike security options to choose from that can deter an attack from thieves.

The number one rule of all motorbike security is that the more time a thief has to spend defeating security, the less likely they are to attempt a theft.

Hardened chains and closed shackle locks

If you are leaving the bike near your home, then I seriously recommend the Almax Immobiliser or Pragmasis chains. Case hardened 16mm+ ...

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Securing your motorbike

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, July 25, 2017, In : Motorcycle Security 
Motorcycle theft remains a big problem in the UK, with around 60 machines stolen every day. Any bike owner, or prospective bike owner, should take the issue of machine security seriously.

However, it’s not just a case of locking your bike up securely. After all, bike theft can happen at any time, wherever you may be. Some machines are stolen from home (inside a garage or not); some from the street; some from work; and others when you’re out and about. So, it’s obvious that different type...

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Motorcycle Security Advice

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, July 25, 2017, In : Motorcycle Security 
Theft is every bikers worst nightmare and tragically, is still a huge problem, especially in big cities. As such, it is now essential to fork out for all manner of extra security devices to help protect your pride and joy. With so much choice, we’re going to go through the pros and cons of different security measures so you can opt for the most effective and avoid wasting money.

Of course we all have insurance cover, but many of us will have high excesses to keep premiums affordable. If your...

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Keeping your motorcycle safe

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, February 3, 2016, In : Motorcycle Security 
Keep your motorcycle safe. The more security you have on your motorcycle, the better. Invest in a security device and always use it. Regardless of the type of security device you choose, whether it be disc locks, security chains, or U-bolts, they will only be effective if used. Taking the device with you when riding may seem inconvenient, but it is not as inconvenient as having your motorbike stolen. Ensure you keep the keys with you at all times.
Purchase an immobiliser, preferably one that i...

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Motorcycle security at home

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, November 1, 2015, In : Motorcycle Security 
A high percentage of motorcycle thefts are from the owner's home. Here are some things to consider whenever your motorcycle is at home.
  • Where possible, always keep the motorcycle in a securely locked garage. Never rely solely on the standard lock on a garage door, these are usually hopelessly inadequate. Fit an additional locking mechanism to the door and consider having the garage alarmed. A security light, activated by a movement sensor is always a good investment.
  • Always secure the motorcycl...

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Security Devices

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, January 25, 2015, In : Motorcycle Security 

Motorcycles are very commonly not secured properly so they can be easy for thieves. By taking some appropriate precautions and using good quality security products and using them well, should help you to keep your motorcycle safe.

Security devices generally come in different categories ranging from 1 to 5 (1 being the best and most expensive). Below is a list of the category description:

Cat 1: Electronic alarm and immobiliser combined system

Cat 2: Electronic immobiliser (Upgradeable to Cat...

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