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Long distant Motorbike Riding

Posted by Nathan Williams on Friday, July 26, 2019 Under: Motorcycle Riding Skills
It is important to remember that not all bikes handle well under the pressure of long distances. Touring motorcycles are usually the best option for this job as they have a number of added features for long distance travelling such as extra weight capabilities and optimum performance.

These bikes also offer more comfort for long distance travelling with their hard flat saddles and knee to leg ratio that doesn't inhibit position change. These are very important factors to consider when purchasing a touring motorcycle and can greatly influence the quality of your journey.

It is also important to carefully consider your hearing protection. Often people think it is the noise of the exhaust pipe that can cause problems, however the wind can be just as harmful. Helmets should reduce the wind noise, if you choose one that fits your head correctly, and use ear plugs regularly. The earphones are particularly useful in reducing the high pitched tones made between your ears and the helmet.

Once you have acquired all the appropriate gear, it's time to choose a route. Important factors to consider when deciding on a route is choosing the correct roads, choosing alternate roads and selecting the shortest route. Hilly roads make for wonderful additions to journeys, while narrow roads are not recommended. It is also better to travel on routes that travel on quieter roads instead of roads linking major cities.

Remember to research the rules of the road and signage in different regions and adapt your riding style accordingly. The final necessity for a long distance bike journey is an adequate bike insurance for peace of mind on the open road.

Riding in the UK

In the UK motorbikes travel on the left-hand side of the road and overtake on the right - but there's no automatic priority for vehicles coming from the left. At roundabouts, always give priority vehicles cars coming from the right. At junctions, a broken line indicates that you should wait and give way to traffic on the other road. The Highway Code (from AA and RAC motoring organisations and most bookshops) offers detailed guidance. It is compulsory for motorcycle riders and passengers to wear helmets.

Fuel and service stations are at frequent intervals along main roads and in towns and villages. Filling stations on motorways may be as much as 50 miles apart but are open 24 hours, as are some filling stations in populated areas.

Unless street signs show a lower limit, ordinary single carriageway speed limits are 96 km/h (60 mph); the dual carriageways/motorway limit is 112 km/h (70 mph). The normal speed limit in towns and built up areas in 48 km/h (30 mph); although some approaches and freeways in and around populated areas have clearly marked speed limits of 64 km/h (40 mph).

Parking in towns and cities is normally at metered places or paying car parks. Avoid parking on double yellow lines at any time. Many towns and cities offer 'park and ride' schemes with frequent buses to get you to and from the shopping and sights.

In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 

Tags: riding your motorcycle long distance uk   


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