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Motorcycle Leathers

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, February 12, 2016 Under: Motorcycle Riding Gear
Since the start of motorcycling it was apparent that something was needed to protect the exposed human body from the elements. The natural solution was leather. The leather motorcycle jacket, not only serves as a fashion statement, but is an essential piece of equipment to any serious biker for keeping warm, dry, and in one piece. A good quality leather jacket combined with leather motorcycle trousers will act as a second skin between you and the road, and can save you from serious injury. 

My advice to anyone is 'don't buy cheap' go for the best you can afford. My leather jacket and trousers has built in armour which protects vital parts of the body. Namely elbows, shoulders, back, chest, hips and knees. This armour is either closed cell or open-cell foam and in various densities all the way up to a fairly hard foam used in helmets. For extra comfort you can obtain leather jackets that are waterproof with a thermal liner.  

Always try leathers on before buying, obviously purchasing your motorcycle gear on the internet you can't, so make sure you order the right size leathers. You don't want to wear leathers that are too small and restrictive, you won't feel comfortable on the motorcycle and will restrict your movements which could lead to an accident. If your leathers are too big you won't be insulated from the cold and if you do crash you won't be protected properly.   

Taking proper care of your motorcycle leathers is important. You need to regularly clean your motorcycle jacket, which may have some effect on the type of jacket you choose to buy. Good care increases the lifespan of a jacket, helps it retain its functional properties, and helps it look good longer. Of course, it's also important for good hygiene. How much time a rider will need to spend cleaning a motorcycle jacket will depend on the material it's made from.

So finding the right motorcycle leathers for you takes nothing more than time and  common sense. Don't just go into the first shop or site online and pick out the first set of leathers you like the look of. Shop around and be patient. That way you'll end up with a good set of quality motorcycle leathers you like at a good price.   

In : Motorcycle Riding Gear 

Tags: motorcycle leathers  motorbike riding gear  protective motorcycle clothing   


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