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Safe Motorcycle Riding

Posted by Helen Jones on Saturday, October 27, 2018 Under: Motorcycle Riding Skills
Never drive if you are not a licensed motorcycle driver. This is first, and foremost in my list of safe motorcycle riding practices. You see, when you are a licensed driver, one way or the other, you must have gone through the necessary trainings and tests to ensure that you are qualified to drive a motorcycle.

Here's a rundown of my motorcycle-riding safety tips:

1. No license, no driving.

2. Wear a motorcycle helmet every time you ride a motorcycle, either as the driver or as the passenger.

3. Wear appropriate clothing. Motorcycle jacket, motorcycle gloves, and motorcycle googles are highly recommended.

4. Don't drink and drive.


Beginners, those who are still learning to drive, and especially those who have just learned to drive, are the most aggressive drivers. However, it must be noted that motorcycle driving could be a complex process of coordinating your balance, processing what you see, being able to decide what to do, and act accordingly.

Professional drivers or seasoned drivers do all these things at the same time. They can react based on reflex action. The newbies' expected reaction to some impending crash or accident would simply to freeze, jerk, or squeeze the throttle instead of releasing it and gripping and stepping on the brakes.

It would be for safety measures then that those who are still trying to learn or have just learned, and still doesn't posses a valid driver's license must secure one, and must always be accompanied by a licensed adult. Refrain from practicing in populated streets or where there are a lot of other vehicles. The parking lot would also be a bad idea. There are just a lot of other cars there that you could crash into.


Statistics show that one out of five motorcycle crashes result to head or neck injuries. This same statistics also show that properly worn DOT approved helmets have greatly reduced injuries in the head and neck among motorcycle riders.

Never be so complacent that since you're just going to buy some six-pack from a nearby neighborhood convenience store, you won't wear a helmet anymore. Let's refer to statistics again: they show that most motorcycle crashes on short trips (about 5 miles or less from point of origin) and most of these crashes registered slow driving (less than 30mph) when the accident happened.


A motorcycle is a good excuse for a different fashion statement. However, it is for your own safety if your main consideration in your attire when driving one, is safety instead of fashion. Invest in a good motorcycle jacket. The leather ones are a classic and never go out of fashion and save you from ultraviolet exposure from the sun, too. While at it, a good pair of motorcycle goggles would not only make you look cooler, it would also protect your eyes from dust, insects, and wind.


Your responses become slower, your judgment becomes questionable, you become bolder, and most of all, DUI or driving under the influence is illegal. No amount of motorcycle gloves, motorcycle helmets, motorcycle jackets, and other motorcycle accessories could save you from severe injuries that could happen when you drink and drive.

In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 

Tags: motorcycle riding north wales   


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