24 Hour Courier Service

Secure Same Day Delivery

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, April 1, 2019 Under: Same Day Courier Service
Secure Same Day Courier Delivery UK. As a same day courier company we see a lot of high value items being sent by post and then we get calls from the businesses about the loss of such items.

In the UK, there are plenty of courier services that supply secure delivery and who have significant amounts of insurance in the case of the worst happening - the loss of your valuable goods.

Delivery losses can be prevented by a little market research first - 

  • Check your chosen courier service does the correct type of delivery
  • Ask what equipment they use to secure the delivery
  • Ask if the delivery is a dedicated delivery
  • Ask how much their insurance is
  • Check whether their drivers are CRB checked
The first point is obvious, there being many types of courier in the market place means you need to find the right one for the job, one with relevant experience and drivers that are capable of completing the job. The second point is also important - are they going to handle your goods with tender loving care or just open the door and through your item in?

Where does your courier go to? Is your high value item needing a dedicated vehicle? The more 'hands' that are involved in your delivery, the more likelihood of damage or loss, check that dedicated means the same thing to all involved - that your goods are the only goods and are taken from delivery point to the end destination directly.

Insurance can be a bug bear, but if you want to be covered you need to make sure your courier service has the right amount for you - it's no good having just £5,000 worth of insurance for goods that are £10,000 in value.

CRB checking, make sure that the drivers are criminal record free for the job, in particular if they are delivering high value goods, the driver may have turned over a new leaf but you never know who they talk to and associate with who would be interested in your goods. In tough times people get desperate, they are human after all.

In : Same Day Courier Service 
