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Showing Tag: " advice" (Show all posts)

Keeping your motorcycle safe

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, February 3, 2016, In : Motorcycle Security 
Keep your motorcycle safe. The more security you have on your motorcycle, the better. Invest in a security device and always use it. Regardless of the type of security device you choose, whether it be disc locks, security chains, or U-bolts, they will only be effective if used. Taking the device with you when riding may seem inconvenient, but it is not as inconvenient as having your motorbike stolen. Ensure you keep the keys with you at all times.
Purchase an immobiliser, preferably one that i...

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Security Devices

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, January 25, 2015, In : Motorcycle Security 

Motorcycles are very commonly not secured properly so they can be easy for thieves. By taking some appropriate precautions and using good quality security products and using them well, should help you to keep your motorcycle safe.

Security devices generally come in different categories ranging from 1 to 5 (1 being the best and most expensive). Below is a list of the category description:

Cat 1: Electronic alarm and immobiliser combined system

Cat 2: Electronic immobiliser (Upgradeable to Cat...

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