24 Hour Courier Service

Showing Tag: " choosing a motorcycle" (Show all posts)

Choosing a motorcycle for work as a motorcycle courier

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, November 20, 2016, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
I often get asked which motorcycle is best for motorcycle courier work, my honest answer is there isn't one.
It all depends on what you're comfortable riding, what areas you're going to cover and what you will be transporting.
If you're just going to cover your local area a small motorcycle or scooter will do. If you'll be covering a large area such as the UK, a larger motorcycle will be needed. If you're going to transport bulky items or do multiple drop offs a large capacity motorcycle with p...
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Test Riding Motorcycles

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, November 16, 2013, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
To enjoy working as a motorcycle courier you must love riding motorcycles. If you look on it as just earning a living you'll end up loathing the job. I love everything motorcycle and have been riding motorcycles a long time, and still get a buzz every time I get on one. I'm luckier than most. I have a good friend that owns a motorcycle showroom. I test ride motorcycles for him when I have time and have ridden most makes and models.

I believe the more motorcycles you ride the better rider you ...
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