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Showing Tag: " motorbike skills" (Show all posts)

Riding a motorcycle on motorways ( part four )

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 6, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 

Leave a safe distance between you and the vehicle you intend to overtake. Use the appropriate parts of the OSM/PSL routine. For example: Observation - Check behind you to verify the speed, course and position of the following traffic. Position - Position yourself so that you can see well past the vehicle in front. Speed - Make sure you're going fast enough or can accelerate quickly enough to overtake without blocking any vehicle coming up behind you. Look - Look ahead and behind to ...
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Riding a motorcycle on motorways (part three)

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, August 18, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
On the motorway

Continually reassess the movement of the vehicles - directly ahead (in the near and far distance) - alongside you - behind you. At high speeds, situations change rapidly. Effective observation helps you prepare for any sudden developments.

For example, an increase in the number of vehicles ahead could mean that traffic is slowing down and bunching, or a flashing breakdown light will warn you to slow down until you're sure of what's happening. If you see serious congestion ahead,...
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