24 Hour Courier Service

Showing Tag: " motorcycle" (Show all posts)

Top 10 must-have motorcycle accessories

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, March 25, 2024, In : Motorcycle Accessories 

Riding a motorcycle is more than just a mode of transportation, it's a lifestyle. Whether you're a seasoned rider or just starting out, having the right accessories can enhance your riding experience and make your journey more enjoyable. From safety gear to convenience items, here are the top 10 must-have motorcycle accessories for any biker.

1. Helmet

Motorcycle helmet

A helmet is the most important accessory for any motorcycle rider. It not only protects your head in case of an accident, but it also shields yo...

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History of the motorcycle

Posted by Martin Ford on Saturday, January 13, 2024, In : Motorcycle History 
History of the motorcycle

Perhaps surprisingly, motorbikes were invented at almost exactly the same time as cars. The Daimler Reitwagen, built by Gottlieb Daimler, first appeared in 1885, the same year as Karl Benz built his Patent Motorwagen – the first petrol-powered motor car.

Now, the Reitwagen might look pretty crude to our eyes, but it was the first effective two-wheeled vehicle powered by a petrol engine.

That engine was a four-stroke 264cc single, making a heady 0.5bhp, and the ‘bike...

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Learning to ride a motorcycle

Posted by Mark Davidson on Thursday, June 22, 2023, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding a motorcycle is easy enough, it’s just like, well, riding a bike. Easier, in fact, because there’s none of that awkward pedalling to upset your balance when you move off. The tricky part is mastering machine control while at the same time learning how to stay safe on the road and dealing with all the potential hazards you might encounter.

Having experience driving a car has both its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, you’ll already understand the rules of the road, so ...

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Riding Your Motorbike In The Rain

Posted by Carl Davis on Sunday, May 7, 2023, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
People either love motorcycle riding in the rain or hate it. It can sometimes be a great experience and a new challenge, or it can completely put a dampener on your journey. Well if you are someone who would rather avoid riding in the rain at all costs, then this guide is for you, helping you to safely ride your motorbike come rain or shine.

Firstly though, we’d just like to make sure that with any motorcycle journey you go on, wet or dry, that you are making sure your tyre pressure is corre...

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Buying A Used Motorcycle

Posted by Dave Harris on Monday, November 15, 2021, In : Buying A Second Hand Motorcycle 
Where to start ?

Local dealers - check out their second-hand stock. A lot of dealers are acquiring more and more used motorcycles to sell, some are offering big incentives such as lifetime warranty or free delivery.

Search online - Ebay, Bike Trader, Gumtree, Facebook and Scooter Trader are just a few online market places where you'll find motorcycles and scooters for sale.

Compare prices, decide your budget and choose what make/model/age motorbike you want to purchase.

Don't Rush Into Buying 


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Parking A Motorcycle On A Hill

Posted by Dan Lawrence on Sunday, August 29, 2021, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Getting your bike up a steep hill isn’t as easy as you might think. It’s one of the trickiest moves that you can imagine for even the most experienced motorcyclist. If you plan to purchase a motorcycle or scooter for transportation, you must learn how to park it. Bike parking on a hill can be quite the scene. With the wind blowing, you’ve got your helmet on, and you’re warm and snug as you sit in your seat admiring the view. But parking a bike on the hill is all about the valuable tri...

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Night Motorcycle Riding

Posted by Spartan Motorcycle Couriers on Friday, July 30, 2021, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding in the dark can be much harder than riding in good light conditions. Even motorcyclists who have been riding for years can struggle once the sun goes down. However, it is not always possible to avoid riding at night. If you do need to ride at night, for whatever reason, you should try to follow these safety tips to help to keep you safe.

Adjusting your Headlights

Before riding in the dark, you must make sure that your headlight is set up properly. The way that your weight sits on a bike ...

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Buying A Vintage Motorcycle

Posted by Kate Harris on Friday, March 19, 2021, In : Vintage Motorcycles 
I often get asked about ‘what to look for when buying an old Japanese motorcycle’, so I thought I would post a few tips and pointers to help people make informed decisions as to what to look for and what to avoid.

This will be changed as time goes on

Firstly, decide what you want out of a motorcycle

This is probably the most overlooked thing as people have a habit of buying with their hearts rather than their heads. If you are under 5’6″ and are just going to ride it about town and not d...

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UK Medical Motorcycle Couriers

Posted by Dave Smith on Tuesday, September 22, 2020, In : Medical Courier 
UK Medical Motorcycle Couriers is known for its diversified world class technology integrated courier services throughout the UK. We are one of leading motorcycle couriers, facilitating companies of medical services for transportation of medical goods. Whether you need to transport simple medical reports or complex medical equipment, our experienced staff with state of art facilities will transport your consignment anywhere in UK within required time.

Medical courier services offered by Sparta...

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Keeping your motorcycle safe

Posted by Susan Hale on Sunday, December 8, 2019, In : Motorcycle Security 
Cover it up!

If you’re familiar with the phrase ‘out of sight, out of mind’ then you will appreciate that when it comes to preventing potential theft this is actually really good advice.

Why? Because if a thief can’t see your shiny new sports bike beneath a dirty old rain cover then maybe - just maybe - they’ll not be tempted to take it for a ride. In fact, it’s such a simple yet effective advice that even the UK motorcycling industry body - the MCIA, began distributing free motorcy...

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Long distant Motorbike Riding

Posted by Nathan Williams on Friday, July 26, 2019, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
It is important to remember that not all bikes handle well under the pressure of long distances. Touring motorcycles are usually the best option for this job as they have a number of added features for long distance travelling such as extra weight capabilities and optimum performance.

These bikes also offer more comfort for long distance travelling with their hard flat saddles and knee to leg ratio that doesn't inhibit position change. These are very important factors to consider when purchasi...

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Women and Motorcycles

Posted by Kathryn Windmill on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
When you think about people who ride motorcycles what do you think about? Long hair, long beards, and leather? Do you think about macho men hanging out in dive bars playing pool and drinking beer? These are typically the images that are portrayed to us as your typical biker. However, people from all walks of life, race, and even sex encompass motorcycle riders. That is right guys; women can also be avid motorcycle riders. For those women that chose to be part of the motorcycle culture it is e...

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Women Motorcycle Riders

Posted by Kim Morgan on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
In the early 1900's William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson did some experimenting with electric bicycles and created the first motorcycle. This invention changed the world and was the catalyst for getting riding where it is today. Since then many with an adventuresome, free spirit that love to ride and see the world from the back of a motorcycle of their choosing have joined the ranks of riders. From that day those joining the ranks have not just been men but also women. Today women riders put...

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Safety tips for motorcycle riding

Posted by Jenny Carson on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Although many find motorcycles appealing, there are also those who fear it. This is because of the danger associated with riding the machine. Just like riding a bike, learning how to control it can be very tough. Although it becomes easier as you find your balance, it can still cause scratches and minor injuries.

Danger is not only exclusive for new riders. There are several accidents involving experienced riders. Accidents on the road happen because of various reasons. One is the lack of visi...

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When to use a Parcel Motorcycle Couriers

Posted by Martin Ford on Thursday, January 17, 2019, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Parcel Courier Liverpool. For most of the time most businesses will never need anything more than to use a normal parcel courier for delivering their parcels, as even most urgent delivery requirements can be covered by a next day Liverpool parcel service.

However occasionally you may find that you have a parcel that just has to get to your customer the very same day. It could be an essential part that they need, or just some urgent documents. Now if the parcel is of a large size and it has to ...

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Vintage Motorcycles

Posted by Mark Lucas on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Motorcycles were first introduced in the later half of 19th century. Since the invention, motorcycles have become one of the most popular and common means of transportation. Vintage motorcycles are the earlier models of motorcycles which were manufactured after the First World War.

Vintage motorcycles are all time passion of bike riders and speed lovers. Apart from being a passion, some ardent rider also collects and preserves vintage motorcycles as treasures. The Japanese, British, Europeans,...

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Electric Motorcycles

Posted by Martin Ford on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
The motorcycle was introduced in the latter half of the 19th century. Since then this has been the most common and popular means of transport. An electric motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle powered by battery and is the latest innovation in the motorcycle industry.

Basically, electric motorcycles can be classified into two; power-on-demand motorcycles and power-assist motorcycles. Earlier, electric motorcycles were used only for races. With the introduction of electric motorcycles for general...

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Motorcycle Kits

Posted by Steve King on Sunday, September 9, 2018, In : Motorcycle Accessories 
Complete motorcycle kits are just what they sound like - kits with all the parts you would need to build a motorcycle.  A few extra bits and pieces in case you lose a screw or two may also be included, but basically everything inside the box will be used to make one single vehicle - wheels, engine, drive belts and chains, frame, seat, fork, handlebars, and electrical parts, they are all in there.  The question that needs asking is, therefore, why offer motorcycles in kit form?  Isn't it bette...

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How to clean a motorcycle

Posted by Ashley Lloyd on Monday, September 3, 2018, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Why clean your motorcycle?

If you have paid good money for your motorcycle it is always important to make sure it looks its best. Why would you want to spend loads of money on a motorcycle just to let it go tatty and look dirty? If you are wanting to sell your motorcycle then making it look "spick and span" is a great way to catch a potential buyers eye and could even increase the value or what the buyer is willing to pay. Another great benefit of cleaning your motorcycle is can spot any fault...

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DOT Motorcycle Helmet Basics

Posted by Anne Curry on Monday, September 3, 2018, In : Motorcycle Accessories 
Let me start by telling you a little about myself and how I got into DOT Motorcycle Helmets. For the past five seasons I have been riding a motorcycle. I have a passion for riding and would like to ride for the rest of my life...in order to do so, I want to be as safe and protected as I can...while still being able to enjoy the ride.

So five years ago...before even purchasing my first street motorcycle at the age of 34...I bought a full set of gear. Now I'm not talking about just a helmet and ...

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Taking Care Of Your Motorcycle

Posted by Erik Bjornstad on Saturday, August 18, 2018, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
There's nothing like riding a motorcycle on the open road. For most of the world, the motorcycle or 2-wheel scooter is the most common form or motorized transportation available.

Around 200 million motorcycles are in use worldwide and almost 60% of these are in Asia or the Far East - China and India both have over 35 million motorcycles and motorized scooters in use. Contrast this to the United States where the car is dominant. In fact, world's largest producer of 2-wheel vehicles isn't Harley...
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Spartan Motorcycle Couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, July 7, 2018, In : Spartan Motorcycle Couriers 
Spartan Motorcycle Couriers is the very best motorcycle courier service that money can buy.

Why are we the best ? 

  • All couriers are advanced motorcycle riders, so are highly skilled and trained riders.
  • Experienced at delivering items of every kind. From important documents to valuable items.
  • Motorcycle couriers are SIA security licenced, so are very security minded and know how to transport items safely.
  • Use high performance well maintained motorcycles, equipped with Satellite Navigation.
  • Stay cal...

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Norton Motorcycles

Posted by Alan Liptrot on Tuesday, June 26, 2018, In : British Motorcycles 
James Lansdowne Norton, the father of the company, began the story in 1898 with a factory that made cycle chains in Birmingham, UK, but by 1902 he was importing engines from Switzerland and France.

To create his own motorcycles, and success followed quickly with a Norton ridden by Rem Fowler winning the twin-cylinder class at the first Isle of Man TT race. This was the start of Norton's long lasting love affair with racing, which didn't end until the 1960's. The prize that everyone coveted was...

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Buying your dream motorcycle

Posted by Kay Zetkin on Wednesday, May 9, 2018, In : Buying A Second Hand Motorcycle 
For motorcycle enthusiasts, it could really be heaven’s gift if motorcycles come from packages delivered by the storks… This is the kind of fantasy for those wishing hard for a baby. And indeed, once you have your dream motorcycle, we doubt if anything would prevent you from considering it as your baby. But the point of this is that, you have to go over the tough decision of buying your dream motorcycle.

So how do you go about this business and get the greatest deal and bargain of your lif...

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Royal Enfield Motorcycles

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, May 5, 2018, In : British Motorcycles 
Through necessity, and in common with most other engineering companies of the day, Enfield didn’t restrict themselves to one line. They also made lawnmowers, bicycles and rifle parts for a Small Arms factory in Enfield. A clue lies in their logo which depicts a cannon, which I have to say, is infinitely better than a lawn mower. Their motto of ‘Made like a gun, Goes like a bullet’ is also evidence of their military involvement. In 1907, the company joined forces with a business with the...

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Institute of Advanced Motorists

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, May 3, 2018, In : Advanced Motorcycle Riders 
The United Kingdom is the home base for the Institute of Advanced Motorists, otherwise known as IAM. This charity based organization serves to improve the riding standards for drivers of automobiles and motorcycles. The organization’s focus is to create better safety on the roadways by controlling the systems of automobiles and motorcycles.

The History of the Institute of Advanced Motorists

IAM was created in March of 1956, but the organization has expanded greatly since this time. The most r...

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Reliable motorcycle courier service

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, May 3, 2018, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Are you looking for reliable UK motorcycle couriers to deliver your packages? Are you looking for timely delivery that ensures your deliveries stay intact? This is what you get when have a good motorcycle courier looking after your requirements. Getting a good courier service is important to have peace of mind. You do not want to end up with damaged goods, or missed timelines when you courier important documents or packages. Prompt service, backed by efficient technology is what you get when ...

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Checking a motorcycle battery

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, April 27, 2018, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 

With the battery removed, inspect the condition of the anti-vibration padding inside a battery carrier. Check the rubber padding inside the battery carrier. Check the rubber padding for damage, hardening of the rubber or bits missing. If this padding is damaged, the battery will rattle around inside the carrier, leading to vibration of the internals, and a shortened battery life.

Place the battery on a flat and safe surface and look at the liquid levels. They should all be above the LOWER LEVE...
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Dedicated Motorcycle Couriers UK

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, March 17, 2018, In : Dedicated Motorcycle Couriers 
Motorcycle Couriers UK. We are a trustworthy Warrington based motorcycle courier company. For when you need a motorbike courier you can trust to deliver your goods on time.

You should also expect someone who will not only deliver the goods, but be RELIABLE, PROFESSIONAL and SECURE. Contact us to discuss how we will help deliver your goods to support your business. No matter how big or small, near or far call us to discuss your requirements now.

By entrusting us with your goods we will be an ext...

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Sameday Courier Service

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, February 26, 2018, In : Same Day Courier Service 
Manchester Same Day Courier Service

In order to achieve success in the same day courier world, you need to be able to offer a fast and efficient delivery service. Clients are no longer happy to wait days to receive their order. They want it within twenty four hours or as proven to be the case the very same day.

When it comes to choosing the delivery method of your documents or packages, you need to weigh up the pros and cons of same day couriers and next day delivery companies, ensuring they ti...

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Riding your motorcycle at night

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, February 25, 2018, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
When riding your motorcycle during the day, all the rider needs to use are the indicator or signal lights to show where he or she is turning, whether to the left or to the right. It is only when it gets dark, then the rider will have to switch on the headlight and tail light in order that the rider can see properly and also be seen by other road users.

An responsible rider should regularly check to make sure that all these lights are working for own safety and also for the safety of other road...

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Medical Motorbike Couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, January 17, 2018, In : Medical Courier 
Medical Supply Motorbike Couriers UK

Medical Supply Motorcycle Couriers UK. Spartan Motorcycle Couriers are known as an established leader in the field of transporting medical supplies and samples. Offering fast, reliable, Same Day and Next Day delivery all over the UK. Using high performance motorcycles and advanced motorcycle riders, Spartan Motorcycle Couriers provide a second to none motorcycle courier service.

Spartan Motorcycle Couriers are a recognised market leader in providing a fast, ...

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Legal Motorcycle Couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, January 17, 2018, In : Legal Motorcycle Couriers 
Legal Couriers Warrington. Spartan Motorcycle Couriers provide a same day document delivery service for legal clients, you have the benefit and peace of mind of knowing that the motorcycle courier who collects your documents will be the courier who delivers them. No depots, nothing else to be delivered on board. We simply provide a first class dedicated motorcycle courier service. The safety and integrity of your work is always our number one priority. Using the Spartan Motorcycle Couriers de...

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Group motorbike riding

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, January 12, 2018, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
While group motorbike ride-outs can be a fun leisure activity, safety should always be the rider’s first priority. 


Before passing a vehicle, ensure there is ample space and visibility. Keep an eye out for debris in the road, excessive wind, and other vehicles’ mirrors to avoid hitting them. Motorcyclists should always pass in the centre of the lane to avoid other vehicles’ blind spots.

Appoint a Road Captain

This person should direct the group of bikers and organise the trip. They ...

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Healthcare and Medical Couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, January 2, 2018, In : Medical Courier 
Healthcare & Medical  Motorcycle Courier Service Manchester, North West England & UK

Manchester Medical and Healthcare Courier. SPARTAN MOTORCYCLE COURIERS can make deliveries to hospitals, medical centres, clinics and long term care facilities with speed and accuracy. Our Medical Motorcycle Courier Services are flexible to meet the ever changing demands of the Healthcare Industry.

We value each delivery knowing what's at stake

Available 24 hours, 7 days, 365 days a year

No matter what time of th...

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Same Day Couriers North West England

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, December 23, 2017, In : Same Day Courier Service 
Same Day Couriers North West England. Spartan Motorcycle Couriers has the perfect solution for all urgent documents, fragile items or valuable items. We will provide a dedicated motorcycle courier service and deliver direct to the delivery address, your goods will not be passed from motorcycle to motorcycle making it the quickest most secure service in the market. We can normally collect any urgent deliveries within the hour ensuring our fullest attention at all times.

All motorcycle are fitte...

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Transportation of cremated ashes from Wrexham to Staffordshire

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, December 19, 2017, In : Cremated Remains Courier 
Had a call from Pentrebychan Crematorium in Wrexham who wanted fast, secure transportation of cremation ashes to John Short Funeral Directors in Staffordshire.

Made all the necessary arrangements over the phone then got my gear together. A word of advice to anyone thinking of becoming a motorcycle courier. Make a check-list of what you need to take with you on a job. Keep the list somewhere handy, so when you get your gear together you won't forget anything. Nothing worse than being on a long...
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24 Hour Motorcycle Courier Cheshire

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, November 21, 2017, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Cheshire 24 Hour Motorcycle Courier Service. When we first opened our doors for business, we saw a gap in the market for a reliable 24 hour motorcycle courier service in Warrington and Manchester. Since then, we’ve expanded our operation and we now have a nationwide courier network, but we tend to focus our efforts on the North West England region.

We’re currently living in an age where nothing seems to sleep and that definitely extends to the business world. All areas of manufacturing ope...

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NHS Motorcycle Couriers Manchester

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, November 20, 2017, In : Medical Courier 
NHS Motorcycle Couriers Manchester. Spartan Motorcycle Couriers have partnered with numerous NHS organisations throughout the UK to provide them with a fast, secure, temperature-controlled solution. We continually exceed our customer’s requirements and have worked with them to develop bespoke solutions. Given out unique approach, our unrivalled medical delivery service has permanently exceeded our customer’s expectations as we treat every sample with immense care and urgency.

We choose to ...

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Some petrol saving tips

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, November 18, 2017, In : Motorcycle Petrol Saving Tips 
One of the simplest things to do and something that is often overlooked is to ensure your tyre pressures are correct and in line with the manufacturers guidelines. As a positive consequence this also improves the bikes handling characteristics and makes you feel happier and more comfortable on the bike.

Ensuring your bike is regularly serviced and well maintained can make quite a difference to the economic properties of the motorcycle. A poorly set up machine will certainly use more fuel.


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Advanced motorcycle rider course

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Advanced Rider Course

Taking an advanced motorcycle riding course is a good idea. It gives you added confidence and improves your riding skills. The benefits of attending a course in the UK are:
  • Gain confidence and skills
  • Possible cheaper insurance
  • Use your own motorcycle
  • Meet like-minded people
  • Gain full IAM membership
  • Improve on road anticipation
  • Appreciate your motorcycle’s full capabilities
  • Become a better rider in different environments
If you ride a motorcycle you already appreciate the sense o...

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Medical product motorcycle courier

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, November 5, 2017, In : Medical Courier 
Medical product courier UK

Spartan Motorcycle Couriers are a major supplier of courier transport services to UK medical service companies.

From urgent blood samples to medication and medical instruments, Spartan Motorcycle Couriers have the riders and motorcycles specially equipped to cope with transporting these delicate consignments across the UK. No matter what the medical instrument, we can offer a fast, safe, secure, motorcycle courier service. 

Our couriers are specially trained to care fo...

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Document delivery service

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, October 28, 2017, In : Document Delivery Service 
Document Motorcycle Courier Service North West

When you are in need of a reliable, cost-effective North West courier service for the transportation of sensitive documents, Spartan Motorcycle Couriers is your solution.

Our team of highly trained and experienced transportation specialists understand that document delivery requires punctuality and professionalism. All of Spartan Motorcycle Couriers staff are advanced motorcycle riders, SIA security licenced and insured, and the documents our rider...

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Cleaning your motorcycle

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, October 26, 2017, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Whether you own a custom cruiser or a sports bike, you'll want to keep your motorcycle away from commercial washing facilities and perform the cleaning ritual yourself. Those high-pressure hoses can damage bike parts, which are more vulnerable than mechanical parts in cars.

Be sure you find a shady spot to wash (and dry) your bike since the sun can create temperature differentials that harm paint and allow water to leave spots.

Assemble the following items as needed:

  • A bucket for soapy water
  • Soap...

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Storing your motorcycle

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, October 14, 2017, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Preparing a motorbike for long term storage sounds depressing. Motorcycles are made to be ridden, but that doesn’t mean circumstances won’t arise when you might have to leave your motorbike in the long term parking section of your garage or under a sheet. Here are some tips to assure it’s done properly.

Petrol and water mix about as well as, well, oil and water. Parking a motorcycle for an extended period of time with a tank half filled with gas is an invitation for condensation form. Th...

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Christine Firehock ( Motorcycle Instructor USA )

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, October 13, 2017, In : Female Motorcycle Riders 
As a fourth generation female motorcyclist, Christine began her road riding career at age 16 in 1980. At 21 Christine joined her mother as a motorcycle instructor at the American Motorcycle Driving School, Inc.

As an instructor for beginner, intermediate and advanced motorcycle riders of all riding types and riding styles, Christine’s certifications include Certified Harley-Davidson RidersEdge Program Manager, Nationally Certified Harley-Davidson, RidersEdge Coach, Special VIP Trainer to Du...

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Geoff Duke

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, October 13, 2017, In : Motorcycle Racers 
The 1950's are considered the Golden Age of motorcycle racing, and one man has a huge role in this – Britain’s Geoff Duke.

From his first Grand Prix race at the 1950 Isle of Man TT, to his final GP at the 1959 Nations Grand Prix at Monza, “The Duke” earned six World Championships, and amassed 33 GP victories.

Sadly, Duke passed away Friday, May 1, 2015, at the Elder Grange Nursing Home on the Isle of Man. Duke was 92-years old.

Duke, who in 1953 was awarded Officer of the Most Excellent ...

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Advanced motorcycle training and insurance

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, October 7, 2017, In : Motorcycle Training 
No matter how confident we are on our motorbikes, we could all benefit from additional post-test insight and advice from professional riders.

As well as helping to reduce fuel consumption and wear and tear to our motorcycles, advanced riding courses can prepare us for adverse road conditions and help riders to identify a potential danger on the road with enough time to avoid it.

Perhaps most importantly, advanced training can help motorcyclists maintain a strong visible presence on the road.

As ...

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Warrington Motorcycle Couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, October 7, 2017, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
The fastest Warrington delivery solution

Warrington motorbike courier service from Spartan Motorcycle Couriers is a fast delivery service in Warrington for express documents, important packages and parcels. Our motorbike couriers in Warrington are reliable and responsive, they guarantee to give you the fastest possible collection and delivery times in the UK. We have experienced motorbike couriers available in Warrington to collect urgent letters, documents, legal papers and small packages at ...

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Female motorcycle couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, October 5, 2017, In : Female Motorcycle Riders 
We have recently had two female riders working for us as motorcycle couriers. Jodie Mitchell recently helped us out for a week and Penny Jones has been helping us out since 2016 when she has holidays from her regular job. Both are excellent riders and have never let us down. I know both ladies will be reading this, so give yourselves a pat on the back. Gender shouldn't come into any working environment, if a woman can do the job she should be given the opportunity.

Penny Jones has been riding ...

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Multi-drop motorcycle courier UK.

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, October 5, 2017, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Multi-drop Motorcycle Courier Service UK. Spartan Motorcycle Courier offer a dedicated multi-drop motorcycle courier service to customers in need of delivering a number of packages on the same day. Our multi-drop courier service can be provided as a one-off service or on-demand as a flexible service to help you cope with busy periods. 

Effectively we provide a dedicated motorcycle courier hire service so that you can have your parcels, packages, documents, samples delivered. Typically, this me...

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Thanks Jodie Mitchell

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, October 5, 2017, In : Female Motorcycle Riders 
Would like to thank Jodie Mitchell for helping us out last week. She filled in the gaps over the busy period we had and showed herself to be a smart and very capable rider who has a way with the clients.

On her trusted GXSR 750, she delivered consignments to Scotland, Exeter, Birmingham to name a few. The deliveries were always ahead of time and delivered in all weather conditions. She never grumbled and just got on with it. 

Spartan Motorcycle Couriers has risen above all by fulfilling the nee...

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Riding your motorcycle in the rain

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, October 4, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Unfortunately, rain is unavoidable and while you’ll probably never relish the opportunity to go out on your bike when it’s hammering down, it’s not something you should be scared of.

And if you are fearful of it, it’s something that you should really work on because, as we mentioned, you’re going to have to do it at some point – that’s one of the downsides of riding a motorbike in the UK. The good news is that it’s not difficult; in fact it’s not even that different from ridi...

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Riding your motorcycle downhill

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, October 3, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Here are a few safety tips to help you stay in control of your motorcycle while riding downhill.

Distribute your weight

As you approach the top of the hill, slide back on the seat to place more of your weight at the back of the bike. This will help you maintain balance and lessen the weight on the handlebars, which will improve your steering. Reduce your speed. Just as when you are riding in a car, the force of gravity will increase your speed on the back end of a slope, meaning you won’t nee...

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Beryl Swain

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, September 30, 2017, In : Female Motorcycle Riders 
In 1962 Beryl Swain had the world at her feet. She was a beautiful and ambitious motorcycle rider with a bright future. She should have had a pioneering racing career but sadly she was born at the wrong time. On target to become one of the leading female lights in the world of motor racing Swain was unstoppable, until a decision to revoke her licence broke her biker’s heart. 

After a fruitless protest she hung up her leathers in the garden shed for the last time. Beryl Swain died in May 2007...

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Riding your motorcycle after your first crash

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, September 30, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
There comes a time in the life of every motorcyclist when he/she lost confidence after the first crash.

So what if you fell off from your motorcycle in front of other people. We all make mistakes. There is nothing to be embarrassed and most importantly, you don’t need to be afraid of riding again. You have been doing this for a long time, you can’t just give up, all because you fell off.

It is not right. You need to gain your self-confidence once again and get back on two wheels as soon as ...

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Barry Sheene

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, September 30, 2017, In : Motorcycle Racers 
Racing Career

Barry first started to race in 1968, winning his first races at Brands Hatch riding father Frank's 125 cc and 250 cc Bultacos. He became the British 125cc champion at age 20 in 1970. In 1971 riding an ex-works 1966 10-speed Suzuki twin, previously ridden by Stuart Graham he finished second in the 125 cc World Championship. His first Grand Prix win coming on that bike at Spa in Belgium, soon followed by a win on a 50 cc Van Veen Kreidler at Brno in Czechoslovakia, where he finishe...

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Dealing with road rage

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, September 30, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
We’ve all seen videos and heard stories from riders about a road-rage incident that ended up in the rider’s favour, with the wayward car driver getting well-deserved karma in some nasty form. But the reality is that those outcomes are by far the exception rather than the rule. Any road-rage incident you get into on your motorcycle against another vehicle is much more likely to turn out not in your favour. Here I have some common-sense techniques to help you reduce the chances of getting i...

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Riding your motorcycle in a group

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, September 29, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Riding with a group of friends gives you a chance to explore new routes, gain experience and make new friends. Before you head out on the road there are a few things you should think about to make sure your trip is as enjoyable and safe as possible.

Organising the group

It’s unlikely that everyone in your group will have the same level of experience and ability. Danger tends to arise when less experienced riders feel they have to ride faster or above their ability to keep up with the group, s...

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Starting your motorcycle uphill

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 26, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Stopping on an uphill slope and then getting going again can be tricky, particularly for riders with insufficient inseam length to make solid contact with the ground. Here are some tips to help you handle these situations.

Evaluate your options

When you see that you must stop on a hill, identify an approach that is clear of significant debris or surface contamination that may cause your foot or tires to slip. Avoid vehicle drippings, sand, gravel and slick surfaces. You also want to stop so yo...

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Buying a second hand motorcycle

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 26, 2017, In : Buying A Second Hand Motorcycle 
Are you chomping at the bit to get your hands on a two-wheeled dream machine, but don’t fancy parting with a ton of cash for a brand-new model?

If the answer is “yes”, then a second hand motorbike might be a more budget-friendly option.

You’re spoilt for choice when it comes to used bikes, so here’s how you go about getting your hands on one.

Benefits of a used bike

The main benefit of buying a used bike over a new one is - unsurprisingly - the price.

Thanks to depreciation, new motorbik...

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Riding your motorcycle abroad

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, September 25, 2017, In : Motorcycle Touring 
Road trips are fun and if sales of adventure bikes and tourers in the UK are anything to go by, they’re more popular than ever too. Riding abroad and lengthy road trips across different countries and continents are what dreams are made of but unless you’ve got the right documents, they’re not going to happen.

Motorcycle CBTs don’t cut the mustard

If you have a quick look across bike forums in the UK, you’ll find multiple posts about travelling abroad on two wheels.
There’s usually a ...

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Off-road motorbike riding

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
A key skill every Adventure Rider should acquire is the ability to ride confidently off-road. Large Adventure Motorcycles can be difficult to manage in the dirt because of their weight and bulk. You can get away with a lack of dirt riding skills on small dirt bikes, but an Adventure Bike can hurt you if you don’t know what you are doing.

Often times, riders try to learn on their own with only a few dirt riding tips from a friend. This kind of trial and error approach can cause a lot of anxie...

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Motorbike clothing

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, In : Motorcycle Accessories 
If you’re travelling at any kind of normal road speed when you come off your motorcycle, you’re likely to skid along the road surface and suffer from road rash. Road surfaces will shred through jeans and normal clothes on impact so it’s vital that your riding clothes can withstand abrasions and skids as well as impact.

What material?

There is a reason so many bikers wear leather, and it’s not just for the typical biker look. Leather is robust and copes well in motorbike accidents becaus...

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Riding your motorbike at night

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Riding your motorcycle at night is completely different than riding it during the day. Some motorcyclists enjoy the isolation of riding at night. Others hate it for the loss of visibility and vision, and will avoid it at all costs. Sooner or later, you’re bound to find yourself on your bike during the night time, so its important to know what unique hazards you must deal with when the sun goes down.

Riding a motorcycle after dark can be an great experience for some. You can focus on the ride...

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How to transport your motorcycle

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, August 26, 2017, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Whether you’re loading onto the back of a pick-up or into a van, going up ramps and into small enclosed spaces isn’t easy and can result in dumped bikes and damage. And if you damage your bike, you might have to claim on your motorbike insurance, so it’s best to be avoided.

Why transport a motorbike?

Track-day riders will often transport their bike in a van or trailer because a full day at a circuit can be tiring and the prospect of a long ride home is not appealing. Others transport thei...

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Same Day Motorcycle Courier Service Warrington

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, August 15, 2017, In : Same Day Courier Service 
SAME DAY COURIERS WARRINGTON. Spartan Motorcycle Couriers offers secure, time sensitive, nationwide delivery service 24, 7. Our customer focus means that our office will respond to your specific delivery requirements and offer Spartan Motorcycle Couriers most appropriate Warrington delivery service.

So whether your item is urgent, confidential or needs to be there before or after a specific time we can assure you that we have exactly the right service for you which is both effective and achiev...

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Next day courier Warrington, Manchester, Liverpool, UK.

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, August 12, 2017, In : Next Day Courier 
Next day delivery is a useful service which guarantees that a item will arrive before a certain time the following working day. It is often the cheapest way to send an important package overnight which you need to arrive within 24 hours. Ordering online is quick and easy with Spartan Motorcycle Couriers. Get an instant quote by giving us a call or use the Enquiry Form.

It's also a good option if you need to send something fairly urgently as the motorcycle courier will collect from your address...

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Securing your motorbike

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, July 25, 2017, In : Motorcycle Security 
Motorcycle theft remains a big problem in the UK, with around 60 machines stolen every day. Any bike owner, or prospective bike owner, should take the issue of machine security seriously.

However, it’s not just a case of locking your bike up securely. After all, bike theft can happen at any time, wherever you may be. Some machines are stolen from home (inside a garage or not); some from the street; some from work; and others when you’re out and about. So, it’s obvious that different type...

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Riding your motorcycle in large cities

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, July 18, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Checking your skills are ready for city roads

The good news is BikeSafe holds regular rider skills days in some UK cities for motorbikes above 125cc which will give you an assessment on your current abilities and provide advice to help make your riding safer and more enjoyable.

To help new riders of smaller engined motorbikes, BikeSafe also runs ScooterSafe courses, especially aimed at moped and scooter riders.

Make sure your bike matches your needs and your ability

Motorbikes vary in design and ...

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Motorcycles of WW1

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, July 15, 2017, In : Motorcycles Of WW1 
The importance of motorbikes during the Great War is all too often overlooked, however, bikes were used for mounted infantry, scouts, patrol, dispatch and courier duties, ammunition carriers, medical supply carriers and casualty evacuation, sometimes being converted into ambulance type vehicles.

The versatility of these machines clearly helped them play a hugely significant role in the logistics of the war - more so than cars. The use that they were most commonly used for, however, was that o...

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Tips for first-time motorcycle riders (part three)

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, July 1, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
When you put your feet down at a stop, you want to be sure that whatever shoes you're wearing will grip the road securely, not slip and slide and make you feel like you're going to drop the bike. That's another reason why we recommend motorcycle-specific boots, but any good non-slip shoe is better than a slippery-bottomed (but sick-looking) trainer. Before you get mad, keep in mind that not all shoes have equal grip on all surfaces. Some shoes might be perfect for a polished wood gym floor, b...

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Advanced Motorcycle Riding Course

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, June 15, 2017, In : Advanced Motorcycle Riding Course 
It is amazing the amount of money that is spent on motorcycles making them look better, go faster and stop quicker. Doing an Advanced Motorcycle Training course will help you achieve all of these and will cost you a lot less whilst gaining up to 17% discount from all the leading bike insurers in the UK.

The Enhanced Rider Scheme (ERS) is all about getting the most from your riding and your machine. With advanced motorcycle training you will:

  • Increase your riding skills and abilities
  • Learn to avo...

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Security Escort and Courier Service

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, May 7, 2017, In : Security Courier Services 

Spartan 24 Hour Security can supply motorcycle escort services in Warrington, Manchester, Liverpool and across the UK. We specialise in providing our clients with low profile motorcycle escorts for the transportation of valuable assets. Our clients for security escort services also include business owners who require security coverage to protect their assets or valuables.

Spartan 24 Hour Security, motorcycle escort specialists are all experienced professi...

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Same Day Courier Manchester

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, In : Same Day Courier Manchester 
Manchester Same Day Couriers. If you need a document, package or parcel delivering fast and on-time, you’re in the right place as we here at Spartan Motorcycle Couriers are experienced and reliable couriers based in Warrington who offer our services nationwide. Offering Manchester same day delivery 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, we can respond promptly to urgent requirements as well as managing demands by scheduling daily, weekly or monthly deliveries well in advance.

We are...

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Tips for new motorbike riders

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Giving up four wheels for two can be a scary thought for new motorbike riders. However, the freedom and excitement that comes with riding a motorcycle is something that can’t be found anywhere else.  Below are some tips for any new rider about to head out on the road.

Take a Motorcycle Safety Foundation Course

If there is one tip I would give to any rider regardless of experience it would be to attend a Motorcycle Safety Foundation rider safety course. There are always new things you can lear...

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Becoming a part time / self employed courier

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, April 19, 2017, In : Courier Work 
There are some easy ways of starting your own business, which require very little expertise. Part time courier work is a great way of earning extra money, with some couriers making a full time business out of it, when they have a good client base. 

Part time courier work basically involves delivering packages from one location to another. Work can vary from short to long-distance work that can take you the length and breadth of the country should you be available. The price you are paid is nor...

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Motorcycle riding tips for women

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, April 13, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Tips For Women 
Ride Comfortably – Whatever motorbike you choose, it’s imperative that you’re comfortable on it. This sounds easy enough, but a lot of women ignore this advice and think that they will be OK even though they may feel a little awkward on the motorbike they’ve chosen. Having the right fitting motorbike will give you the confidence that you need to go anywhere. If you’re at all out of sorts and not feeling comfortable on your ride, you’re far more likely to make bad judgement calls. ...

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Motorcycle Safety Tips (Part Four)

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, March 23, 2017, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Avoid Distraction

We all know distracted driving is a bad idea, but it's worse when you're riding a motorbike. One of the keys to staying safe on a motorcycle is staying hyper-aware of everything that's going on around you. Remember, motorcycles are tough for drivers to see –especially drivers in large cars or vans. You need to see and avoid them, rather than bet on them seeing you. If you're fiddling with your phone or iPod, you're reaction time is cut by several precious seconds, putting y...
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Motorcycle Safety Tips (Part Three)

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, March 23, 2017, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Educate Your Passengers

Part of the fun of having a motorbike is having someone on the back. Having a passenger with their arms around you as you cruise the open road can be quite romantic. But your passenger has a part to play in keeping both of you safe.

Make sure anyone you carry on your motorbike has the right gear. Like you, they should wear sturdy shoes and protective clothes. You should also practice having a passenger, especially if they're bigger than you, in a safe place, like a car p...
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Boss Hoss Motorcycles - 1990 -

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, March 21, 2017, In : American Motorcycles 
Americans so they say like everything Big with a capital 'B'. Buildings, cars, open spaces and motorcycles. So it's hardly surprising that the largest production motorcycle in the world should be built in the Unites States.

For many years Harley-Davidson produced the largest-engined motorbike until pipped to the post by successively bigger Japanese machines such as the Kawasaki Z1300, Honda Gold Wing 1500 and Yamaha 1600cc WildStar. None of them however come anywhere near the Boss Hoss.

In 1990...
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Motorcycle Safety Tips (Part One)

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, March 19, 2017, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Wear a Helmet

The most important thing you can do to stay safe on a motorcycle is wear a helmet. Helmets protect your head, and head injuries are the leading cause of death for motorcycle riders. Your brain just wasn't meant to be exposed.

Of course, wearing a helmet isn't enough. You need to wear the right helmet. Lots of places sell novelty helmets that look good but don't protect you. Look for a Department of Transportation-approved helmet. Those helmets have been tested and provide a minimu...
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Same Day Couriers Warrington

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, March 3, 2017, In : Same Day Couriers Warrington 
Spartan Motorcycle Couriers was formed in 2010 to provide a sameday courier service that you can rely on. We provide a national dedicated sameday courier service and have consistently delivered beyond our customers expectations. We always strive to go the extra mile.

We pride ourselves in our effective communication, high quality service and our ability to serve our customers well, and having them coming back time and time again. We have a dedicated and hard working team who have all the skill...

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24 Hour Courier Service

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, March 2, 2017, In : 24 Hour Courier Service 
When we first opened our doors for business, we understood the need for a reliable 24-hour courier service in the UK. We’re currently living in an age where nothing seems to sleep and that definitely extends to the business world. All areas of manufacturing operate 24 hours a day. Ships and aircraft arrive in the UK at all hours of the day and night. Retail outlets are open 24/7, and consumers can purchase their latest must have gadget at 5am, from their favourite online store.

It’s little...

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Fast, secure, same day courier service UK

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, In : Same Day Courier Service 
Spartan Motorcycle Couriers Sameday UK deliver important items for a lot of trade sectors all through the United Kingdom. No matter what your company is involved with, be it production, publishing, finance, legal matters, computer supplies or health-related products amongst lots of others.

Spartan Motorcycle Couriers Sameday UK can certainly offer rapid transport options tailored entirely to the needs of your organisation. Be it a simple A4 envelope, an important document or valuable items, we...

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Mars (MA) Motorcycles (Germany 1903-1957)

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, January 18, 2017, In : German Motorcycles 
Mars built Fafnir and Zedel-engined motorcycles before World War One, but was most famous for the 986cc (6cu in) white Mars of 1920.

'Mars' motorcycle by Claus Franzenberg, design of 1920 , year of construction 1926, manufacturer: Mars-Werke, Nuremberg.

The big flat-twin engine was supplied by Maybach and there was a two-speed gearbox and leg guards. German inflation killed it, but Mars was revived as MA with a variety of bought-in engines, concentrating in the 1930's on Sachs-powered mopeds an...
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NHS Medical Couriers.

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, January 7, 2017, In : Medical Courier 
Spartan Motorcycle Couriers medical courier service, is a sameday urgent medical supplies service based in Warrington Cheshire. Our services are ideally suited to the needs of the NHS, the private sector, healthcare providers, pharmaceutical providers, biotech companies, doctors, hospitals, clinics, therapists, universities, laboratories, nurses, technicians and medical suppliers.

The movement of urgent medical and healthcare supplies, samples or equipment can literally be a case of life or de...

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KTM motorcycles Austria 1953 -

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, December 1, 2016, In : Austrian Motorcycles 
The most successful Austrian manufacturers began with 98cc Rotax-powered machines and went on to produce mopeds, scooters and lightweights with Puch, Sachs, as well as Rotax engines, all two-strokes. KTM went through phases, concentrating solely on mopeds in 1960-65, and from 1967 began to develop motocross motorcycles which came to dominate its production.

Won the 1977 250cc Motorcross Championship, and experience gained from the competition bikes trickled down to the production machines, res...
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Good customer service is important for a courier company

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, November 29, 2016, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
With any courier company, giving a high standard of customer service is a must. In the long run you get more business, returning customers, and it's a vital part of being a professional courier company. If you offer bad customer service you won't be in business for very long.


Respond as quickly as possible

One of the biggest factors in good customer service is speed, especially when a customer is requesting a consignment to be delivered that is time sensitive. Sorting the requirements out on ...

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Cost of hiring a motorcycle courier

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, November 27, 2016, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Like any other service different motorcycle couriers charge different rates and provide varying standards of service. Hiring a cheap motorcycle courier isn't always the best option. There are motorcycle couriers that charge as little as 80p a loaded mile, which means the mileage done while carrying your consignment. With the overheads involved such as fuel, insurance and motorcycle maintenance, to make a profit they must be cutting corners. Such as operating without insurance, having a poorly...
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24 hour motorcycle courier service Merseyside, Cheshire, UK.

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, November 26, 2016, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Spartan Motorcycle Couriers operate 24 hours 365 days a years. Motorcycle couriers make deliveries around the clock throughout the UK. One of the advantages of operating 24 hours is the ability to make night deliveries, which is faster due to less traffic on the roads. More convenient for clients when they need a consignment delivering across the UK, which needs to be at the delivery destination first thing in the morning. 

We've had contractors working all night on a project call us wanting a...
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Choosing a motorcycle for work as a motorcycle courier

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, November 20, 2016, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
I often get asked which motorcycle is best for motorcycle courier work, my honest answer is there isn't one.
It all depends on what you're comfortable riding, what areas you're going to cover and what you will be transporting.
If you're just going to cover your local area a small motorcycle or scooter will do. If you'll be covering a large area such as the UK, a larger motorcycle will be needed. If you're going to transport bulky items or do multiple drop offs a large capacity motorcycle with p...
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Riding your motorcycle in bad weather ( part two )

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, November 19, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Keep your battery in good condition. In cold weather an electric starter places big demands on the battery.


Always keep your lights and indicators clean and check for faulty bulbs. Dirty lights can seriously reduce - how far you can see - how well other people can see you and your signals.

Weather and vision

The biggest single danger to any rider is being unable to see properly. You won't be able to make the right decisions if you can't see the road clearly.


Heavy rain on your visor or ...
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Riding your motorcycle in bad weather ( part one )

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, October 24, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
The weather in the British Isles is varied and uncertain. You can expect to encounter virtually all weather conditions at some time. The weather presents particular hazards for the motorcyclist.

You need to think about how you're going to - protect yourself from the elements - adapt your riding to suit the conditions.

Your motorcycle

Whatever the weather, make sure your motorcycle is in good condition and regularly checked and serviced. Contending with the elements can be difficult but having to...
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Riding a motorcycle on motorways ( part six )

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, October 22, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
To rejoin the motorway

Don't pull straight out onto the carriageway. Use the hard shoulder as an acceleration lane to build up speed before joining the left-hand lane when there's a gap.


Accidents can often happen at roadworks when drivers fail to observe simple rules of safety. So - reduce speed in good time when warned by the advance warning signs or flashing signals - Get into the lane indicated for use by your motorcycle in good time - Obey all speed limits - Keep the correct separ...
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Fastest courier service

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, October 20, 2016, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Fast Courier Service UK. Spartan Motorcycle Couriers are the fastest courier service. Motorcycle couriers are mature advanced motorcycle riders with at least 25 years riding a motorcycle. Motorcycle couriers use high performance motorcycles and state of the art satellite navigation. On time same day delivery is guaranteed and we haven't missed a delivery deadline.


Motorcycle Couriers deliver time critical consignments the same day to anywhere in the UK. 
  • Bath
  • Birmingham
  • Bradford
  • Bright...

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Riding a motorcycle on motorways ( part five )

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, September 11, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
End of motorway

There will be end of motorway signs at all exits. These mean that the road you're joining will have different rules. Remember to watch for any signs telling you what these are, particularly - speed limits - dual carriageway - two-way traffic - clearway - motorway link road - part-time traffic lights.


Speed when leaving motorway

After riding at motorway speeds for some time, your judgement of speed will almost certainly be affected, 40 or 45 mph seems more like 20 mph - adjust yo...
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Riding a motorcycle on motorways (part three)

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, August 18, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
On the motorway

Continually reassess the movement of the vehicles - directly ahead (in the near and far distance) - alongside you - behind you. At high speeds, situations change rapidly. Effective observation helps you prepare for any sudden developments.

For example, an increase in the number of vehicles ahead could mean that traffic is slowing down and bunching, or a flashing breakdown light will warn you to slow down until you're sure of what's happening. If you see serious congestion ahead,...
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Short history of motorcycle couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, July 20, 2016, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
A motorcycle courier, also known as motorcycle messengers, or dispatch riders are couriers using a motorcycle or scooter to deliver consignments such as documents and small parcels. Motorcycle couriers are common in the major urban centres of Europe, South America, Asia and America.

At the end of the first world war in 1918, many British Army motorcycle dispatch riders of the Royal Corps of Signals were demobbed and found gaining employment difficult. As a result, they purchased military surpl...
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Riding a motorcycle on motorways ( part one )

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
You must make sure your motorcycle is safe and in good working order. Motorways must not be used by - pedestrians - cyclists - horse riders - holders of provisional car and motorcycle licences.

In addition the following vehicles must not be used on a motorway - motorcycles under 50cc - certain slow moving vehicles with oversized loads, except with special permission - most invalid carriages - agricultural vehicles. Due to the demanding nature of motorways, make sure that - you have a thorough ...
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Defensive motorcycle riding ( part two )

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Approaching green traffic lights

Ask yourself - how long have they been on green ? - are there many vehicles already waiting at either side of the junction ? ( if there's a queue, the lights are probably about to change ) - do I have time to stop ? - can the vehicle behind me stop ? - if it's a large goods vehicle, it might need a greater distance to pull up.


Try to beat the traffic signals by accelerating or leave it until the last moment to brake - harsh braking causes skids.


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Defensive motorcycle riding ( part one )

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, April 28, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Defensive motorcycle riding is based on effective observation, good anticipation and control. It's about always questioning the actions of other road users and being prepared for the unexpected, so as not to be taken by surprise. Defensive motorcycle riding involves - awareness - planning - anticipating - staying in control and riding with - responsibility - care - consideration and courtesy. It means putting safety above all else. It's about having real concern, not only for your own safety,...
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Same day courier delivery of documents and computer discs

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, April 16, 2016, In : Motorcycle Couriers 

Had a call from a company in Warrington who needed documents delivering to one of their branches in Bristol. I was told it was a few files and a sealed tray of computer discs. Looked out of my window and it was pouring with rain. Being a motorcycle courier you have to deliver consignments in all weathers, if you wear the right motorcycle riding gear bad weather is not a problem. Wearing motorcycle leathers in pouring rain is not advisable, the leather retains the water which makes the leather...

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Learning to ride a motorcycle in the UK

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
The CBT Course (Compulsory Basic Training)

CBT is arranged so that you progress through a series of elements. You will only move onto the next element when your trainer is satisfied you have learn't the necessary theory, and demonstrated the practical skills to a safe basic level.

What are the elements ?

Element A - Introduction to CBT
Element B - Practical on-site training
Element C - Practical on-site riding
Element D - Practical on-road training
Element E - Practical on-road riding.

Within each el...
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The cutest motorcycle courier

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, March 9, 2016, In : Female Motorcycle Riders 
My friends niece Joanne has got to be the best looking motorcycle courier on the road. She has been riding bikes since she was 14 and started on scramblers. Her parents run a farm so she had plenty of off-road practice. She passed her motorbike test first time and rides a Kawasaki Ninja. Last year she helped us out for a week making deliveries, she was so popular we had plenty of calls all asking for her. One company used her three times in one day, you can see why. 

She is an excellent motorc...
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Overnight delivery of valuables

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Had a call from a lady who needed valuables including jewellery delivered to a relative in Scotland, pick up was from Manchester. The delivery had to be made by 6am, as the person receiving the valuables was flying back home to Australia. The items of jewellery were family heirlooms and valuable. Reassured the lady that the consignments would be delivered quickly and safely. With valuable consignments they are locked in a metal lockbox and carried in a locked backpack. The backpack is never t...
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Don't provide just a courier service

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
The courier industry is very competitive with some people willing to transport consignments for next to nothing. The days of making a lot of money are gone. Most van couriers I come across are just scratching a living. Most are on the road for 12 plus hours a day and make 50p for every parcel delivered. With running costs such as petrol, wear and tear on the vehicle, insurances and other expenses it's a hard way to make a living. Motorcycle couriers are in exactly the same boat. I know motorc...
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Motorcycle Leathers

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, February 12, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Gear 
Since the start of motorcycling it was apparent that something was needed to protect the exposed human body from the elements. The natural solution was leather. The leather motorcycle jacket, not only serves as a fashion statement, but is an essential piece of equipment to any serious biker for keeping warm, dry, and in one piece. A good quality leather jacket combined with leather motorcycle trousers will act as a second skin between you and the road, and can save you from serious injury. 


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Yamaha Motorcycles (1953 - 2000)

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, December 24, 2015, In : Japanese Motorcycles 
YAMAHA  Japan 1953 -

Torakusu Yamaha, whose name graces the sides of millions of motorcycles did not as far as I know ride one himself. In fact as he died in 1916, he may never have even seen a motorcycle, for which an explanation is required.

Yamaha was born in Nagasaki in 1851 and was first apprenticed to a clock maker, then to a manufacturer of medical equipment. He moved to Hamamatsu in 1883, then working as a self-employed engineer where he was asked to repair the organ at the local primar...
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My first motorbike ( Yamaha RD250LC )

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, November 27, 2015, In : Motorbike Stories 

I have been riding motorbikes for over 30years, in that time I've seen great changes in motorcycle design and performance. My first bike was a Yamaha RD 250 LC, it was a great little bike and pretty fast for its time.

The Yamaha RD 250 LC was launched in 1981 and was the first learner legal bike (at the time) which could actually do a real proper 100 mph. I remember going to see the bike with my old man, sitting on it for the first time and starting it up, my old man shouted 'what are you wa...

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Triumph Speed Triple 955i

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, November 11, 2015, In : British Motorcycles 
I have rode a Triumph Speed Triple 955i motorcycle for many years, find the bike fast, easy to handle and reliable.

Introduced first as the T509 in 1997 the Speed Triple represented Triumph's attempt at creating a motorcycle in the Streetfighter image. Although essentially a Daytona T595 without the fairing, the most significant difference between the two models was the Speed Triple's smaller 885cc engine, detuned for more mid-range power. Apart from having a different oil cooler and the optio...
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Motorcycle security at home

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, November 1, 2015, In : Motorcycle Security 
A high percentage of motorcycle thefts are from the owner's home. Here are some things to consider whenever your motorcycle is at home.
  • Where possible, always keep the motorcycle in a securely locked garage. Never rely solely on the standard lock on a garage door, these are usually hopelessly inadequate. Fit an additional locking mechanism to the door and consider having the garage alarmed. A security light, activated by a movement sensor is always a good investment.
  • Always secure the motorcycl...

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Beryl Swain

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, June 5, 2015, In : Female Motorcycle Riders 
In an era when riding a motorcycle was not thought to be a terribly ladylike occupation, Beryl Swain became, in 1962, the first woman solo rider to negotiate the notorious Isle of Man Tourist Trophy course in an official event. That year she rode her Italian Itom 50cc Racer into 22nd place in a field of 25 in a TT race around the notorious 37-mile mountain road course, which has claimed many lives and inflicted fearful injuries over the years. It was the first year in which the 50cc Ultra Lig...
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Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, March 7, 2015, In : Italian Motorcycles 
Ducati Italy 1946 -

Ducati, one of the most evocative names in motorcycling, whose fast, exotic, temperamental V-twins respond to lavish care and attention. At least that is most riders conception of the bikes from Bologna. But until recently the name was hardly known outside two wheel circles. Success in World Superbike competition has brought this the Ferrari of motorcycles to mainstream attention. In the early 1990's when it had gained seven WSB Championships this decade and for the first t...
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Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, In : British Motorcycles 
Hesketh England 1980 - 82

Hesketh, the new British superbike was announced to a delighted press and public in April 1980. They were delighted because deep down almost everyone wanted to see a new British superbike. There were one or two sceptics, such as the national daily which described the new V-twin as just another folly of the English aristocracy, but they were the minority. Two years later when the whole enterprise collapsed in a highly public and embarrassing manner, there were no short...
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Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, January 25, 2015, In : American Motorcycles 
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles U.S.A 1903 - 

It was by a series of happy coincidences that the Harley family moved from Manchester, England and the Davidsons from Scotland both emigrated to North America in the late 19th century, and settled in Milwaukee. And that two of their sons, Bill Harley and Arthur Davidson, should end up working at the same engineering establishment, became firm friends, and began experimentation with the internal combustion engine. Arthur was the outgoing one, a patternm...
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Barigo 599cc

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, December 5, 2014, In : French Motorcycles 
Patrick Barigo builds limited numbers of motorcycles using single-cylinder, four-stroke engines supplied by the Austrian Rotax company. This 1992 road bike is based on Barigo's super motard competition machines. Premium quality suspension and brake components are used in its construction, and low weight, good handling, and a tractable engine offer impressive performance. Proven in the gruelling Paris-Dakar rally and other testing events, Barigo was the only motorcycle manufacturer operating i...
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Buell RR1000

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, November 3, 2014, In : American Motorcycles 
The first RR1000 prototype was built in 1984 by Eric Buell, a former Harley-Davidson employee, as a commission from the Vetter fairing company although Buell was still independent of Harley-Davidson at this point, the company would soon be incorporated into the Harley fold. The RR1000 used an engine from a Harley XR1000 fitted into Buell's patented Uniplanar chassis, which restricted engine vibration by using a system of rods, joints, and rubber mountings. Only 50 RR1000's were built before t...
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Britten V1000

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, September 22, 2014, In : New Zealand Motorcycles 
The Britten is an extraordinary bike built by an extraordinary man. John Britten ignored convention when he built this motorcycle and came up with an elegant and inspired machine. The 60 degree v-twin engine is an integral part of the chassis to which the front and rear suspension are bolted. In fact, almost every part of the Britten performs at least two functions. If also looks brilliant. The Britten performed well in International Battle of the Twins racing and in the early nineties was pr...
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Norton Commando Interstate MKIII 850 ES

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, September 22, 2014, In : British Motorcycles 
Norton was on the verge of bankruptcy by 1975 when this motorcycle, the final version of the Commando was produced. Based on 1973's MKI 850, the MKIII was fitted with an electric starter in addition to the kick-starter. It had tuned silencers, lockheed disc brakes front and rear, left hand gearchange, halogen lightening, and a full compliment of accessories. Nothing could conceal the age of the design and compared to the increasingly sophisticated Japanese opposition it was very dated, though...
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BSA Rocket 3

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, September 22, 2014, In : British Motorcycles 
The three cylinder Rocket 3 or A75 was launched in Britain in 1969. The BSA/Triumph group had to act quickly to catch up with Honda, which was known to be developing a four. The Rocket 3 and Triumph Trident were similar, though BSA's engine design had its cylinder block tilted forward where the Triumph's was vertical. This bike is from 1970, BSA ceased production the following year.

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Forest Heritage Scenic Byway – Asheville Best for Motorcycle Ride

Posted by Dewayne Jasper on Monday, April 7, 2014, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 

If you've ever had the pleasure of passing through or even visiting Asheville, NC, you'll understand that the surrounding mountains and scenery are simply magnificent. For thousands of years, the area has hosted a plethora of vegetation and wildlife in its natural state. Once the town of Asheville was established, neighboring communities began to immediately offer travelers a multitude of activities, from mountain biking and skiing to rock climbing and hiking. But you don't have to leave your...

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Motorcycle Courier Work

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, March 9, 2014, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
The nice weather is nearly upon us and as usual we are starting to receive phone calls and emails from people wanting to work as motorcycle couriers. We have stated on the website that we are not looking for any staff due to the fact that we undertake all the work ourselves. Motorcycle courier work is not seasonal, we have delivered consignments with thick ice and snow covering the roads which makes riding interesting to say the least especially when your in the countryside scaling a steep hi...
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Moto Guzzi V7 Special

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, February 28, 2014, In : Italian Motorcycles 
Although Moto Guzzi first developed its V-twin motor in the 1950's, motorcycle interest in Italy was at a low ebb and the motor was used in a three-wheeled military vehicle. The V-twin motorcycle was built to fulfil an order from the Italian police. Overseas interest created a need for a civilian version. The 703cc V7 came out in 1967. In 1969 the bore was enlarged by 3mm, increasing the capacity to 757cc and called the V7 special. It ran until 1971 and had many features seen on modern Guzzi ...
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Honda Goldwing GL1500

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, February 28, 2014, In : Japanese Motorcycles 
The symbol of the Golden wing was already a familiar Honda trademark when the model was christened in 1975. At the time of its launch, the 1000cc four-cylinder machine was simply the biggest, most complex motorcycle ever produced in Japan. By the 1980's, Honda was an established car-maker, with car and motorcycle assembly plants around the world. In 1981, Goldwing production moved from Japan to Ohio, the biggest market for the motorcycle was in America, but it was exported all over the world,...
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Honda CB350

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, February 28, 2014, In : Japanese Motorcycles 
The CB350 was the smallest of the 1970's road going, four cylinder, S.O.H.C machines. Never officially imported into Britain, and failing to gain support in the USA, Honda looked to Europe, where some countries import tax laws favour sub-350cc motorcycles. Police versions were offered in France and Holland. Even so, the CB350 had a short life. Introduced in 1972, it was replaced in the markets by the CB400F, which appeared in 1974. Capacity of the 400 four was increased to 408cc. It was resty...
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Harley-Davidson Hill Climber

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, February 28, 2014, In : American Motorcycles 
The ingredients of an American hill-climb motorcycle appear simple, even if the reality is rather more complicated. The essential element is power, and in the case of this machine a methanol-burning eight-valve engine was enough in 1930 to make it a competitive motorcycle. A long wheelbase and weight at the front to prevent the motorcycle tipping over backwards are both essential, as is grip, which is why the motorcycles rear tyre is wrapped in chains. A good level of expertise was involved i...
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Ducati 851

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, February 28, 2014, In : Italian Motorcycles 
The 851 was the most complex Ducati road bike ever built when introduced in 1987. It retained desmodromic valve operation and the 90 degree V-twin engine layout, but also incorporated four camshafts, eight valves, water cooling, and petrol injection, all first for a road Ducati and introduced to meet increasingly strict emissions and noise legislation. These features were also brought in to meet World Superbike race rules, and the 851 was the basis for Ducati's successful 888 Superbike racer.

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Matchless G45

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, January 24, 2014, In : British Motorcycles 
Developed by the AJS race shop for the 1952 season, the G45 was based on the 500cc parallel-twin that came fourth in the 1951 Manx Grand Prix. Twin Amol Grand Prix carburettors, a Lucas racing magneto, and a rev-counter drive were standard along with the Burman racing gearbox. The engine included a one piece forged steel crank, alloy barrels, and triple valve springs. Seventeen G45's entered the 1955 Senior race and only 10 finished. Although the G45 was not successful compared to other model...
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Honda CBR 1100 Blackbird

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, January 24, 2014, In : Japanese Motorcycles 
Motorcycle makers have always wanted to make the fastest motorcycle on the market. Kawasaki claimed the title in 1990 with its ZZR 1100, and it wasn't until six years later that Honda was able to respond. Placing a 164 bhp engine in an aerodynamic motorcycle weighing 241 kg ( 531 lbs ) resulted in a top speed of 285 km/h ( 177 mph ). However, the Blackbird is also docile, easy to ride at low speed, comfortable, and has surprisingly agile handling. It combines the punch of a boxer with the man...
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Ducati 916 SPS

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, January 20, 2014, In : Italian Motorcycles 
The Ducati 916 is one of the best looking and most successful motorcycles ever built. Hailed as a design classic, it has won six World Superbike championships and it remains an object of desire for ordinary motorcyclists. The technology for the 916 was developed from the mid eighties by Ducati engineer Massimo Bordi, who took Ducati's trademark 90 degree V-twin and added water cooling, four valve cylinder heads, and fuel injection. The chassis is also a Ducati trademark. The tubular steel tre...
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Triumph T595 Daytona

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, January 20, 2014, In : British Motorcycles 
Six years after Triumph's 1991 re-launch, the company entered the lucrative supersports market with the T595, built to compete with the market leading Honda Fireblade and charistmatic Ducati 916. The motorcycle used Triumph's trademark three-cylinder set up and the Daytona name from the earlier models, but almost everything else was new. Though lighter, more powerful, and better looking than its predecessor, the T595's reputation suffered when some early motorcycles were recalled because of a...
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Suzuki GT 750

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, January 20, 2014, In : Japanese Motorcycles 
Launched in 1971, Suzuki's GT 750 made an immediate impact thanks to its radical design and rapid acceleration. Building on its own success in the 1960's with racing two-strokes, Suzuki decided to create a large capacity, multi-cylinder sports motorcycle for road riders. Suzuki's first venture into the superbike market was largely successful, the GT stayed in production for five years. The three cylinders were arranged in-line across the frame, which could cause the middle cylinder to overhea...
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Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, January 20, 2014, In : German Motorcycles 
Having begun Post-War production with pre-war models, BMW's road motorcycles were comprehensively redesigned in 1955. The front and rear suspension on the new frames were provided by pivoting forks. The steering geometry and the strength of the new front suspension was ideal for sidecar use, and the BMW became the definitive sidecar machine. The combination shown here consists of a 1965 R60 mated to the classic German built Stieb sidecar. Special sidecar gearing was offered bu most manufactur...
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Motorcycle Helmets

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, January 16, 2014, In : Motorcycle Riding Gear 
A motorcycle helmet is the single most important piece of motorcycle clothing you will buy and not just because they are a legal requirement. The right motorcycle helmet fitted correctly could save your life in an accident. If you ever have to put a motorcycle helmet to the test and I hope you never do you'll be glad your wearing a good one.

There is no need to spend a fortune to get a motorcycle helmet that will provide an adequate level of protection. All motorcycle helmets sold in the UK h...
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History Of Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

Posted by Larry Clark on Thursday, January 9, 2014, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 
Harley-Davidson got it's humble start when William Harley and Arthur Davidson produced the first production motorcycle in 1903. The motorcycle was to be a racing bike, and was built in a small shed wooden with the words Harley-Davidson Motor Company written on the front door. One year later Harley-Davidson had put out 3 production motorcycles for the public.

In 1905 Harley-Davidson wins it's first race and hires it's first employee. Three years later, in 1908, Harley-Davidson sold the first mo...
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Urgent Sample Delivery

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, November 26, 2013, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Urgent Sample Delivery from Preston to Birmingham. Monday 25th November.
Had a call from a company that needed a sample picking up from Preston and delivering to a client in Birmingham. Got my gear together, cranked up my motorcycle and off I went. Weather conditions were good and there was no traffic conjestion on the way to Preston. Its a bonus getting paid for riding my motorcycle and its a nice change from my normal line of work.

As I mention in an earlier post, the days of working full ti...
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Building Up A Toolkit

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, November 20, 2013, In : Motorcycle Maintenance 
Good quality tools are as important to a motorcycle rider as a good set of riding clothes and helmet. The best and usually most expensive tools are really the preserve of the person who makes their living servicing and repairing motorcycles. The motorcycle rider services their motorcycle by following the manufacturer's recommendations on a time or mileage basis, but this doesn't mean that those old spanners and hammer that were found at the back of the shed will do.

 Purchase what you can affo...
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Transportation Of £10,000 Cash

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, November 19, 2013, In : Security Motorcycle Courier 
Transportation Of £10,000 Cash From Chester To Manchester. Monday 18th November.
Had a call from one of our clients we do security work for. He needed a consignment of cash transported from his office to a client. This was an odd request as usually transactions like this are done by money transfer. He informed me his client wanted the money in cash as soon as possible.

For consignments such as this we use a lockable cash in transit box which is then locked in one of our Backpacks. The journe...
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Transportation Of Diamond Ring

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, November 17, 2013, In : Security Motorcycle Courier 
Transportation Of Diamond Ring From Manchester To Stourbridge Birmingham Friday 15th November.
Valuable consignments come in all shapes and sizes. Jewellery is one of the most valuable consignments delivered. Had to pick up a diamond ring from a jewellers in Manchester and deliver it to a private address in Birmingham. It was an engagement ring that had been bought but had to be re-sized. The client couldn't collect the ring himself so contacted us. Was sent through the documentation and a pic...
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Test Riding Motorcycles

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, November 16, 2013, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
To enjoy working as a motorcycle courier you must love riding motorcycles. If you look on it as just earning a living you'll end up loathing the job. I love everything motorcycle and have been riding motorcycles a long time, and still get a buzz every time I get on one. I'm luckier than most. I have a good friend that owns a motorcycle showroom. I test ride motorcycles for him when I have time and have ridden most makes and models.

I believe the more motorcycles you ride the better rider you ...
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Royal Enfield Desert Storm

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, November 16, 2013, In : British Motorcycles 
Thousands of Royal Enfield Bullets were painted olive drab green, and desert beige during the Second World War, and saw action on all fronts. The Indian Army used them from 1949, and that paved the way for them still being around today.
I still look on the Royal Enfield as being a British Motorcycle even though its now made in India. Hence I've put this blog in the British Motorcycle category. As for the Desert Storm, far from being cheesy retro lash-ups, this Desert Storm ( and its Battle Gre...
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1988 Honda VFR750 RC30

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, November 9, 2013, In : Japanese Motorcycles 
Honda's RC30 is quite possibly the greatest motorcycle ever built. Not only was every motorcycle hand assembled by Honda Racing Corporation ( HRC ) in very limited numbers, the technology inside the great V4 engine is breathtaking. Add to this the beautiful styling and the fact it dominated just about every race series it ever entered, and you have a motorcycle that transcends legend.

The V4 engine is a work of art, inside the 16-valve 360-degree 'big bang' V4 motor gear driven cams run on bal...
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Transportation Of Jewellery

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, November 6, 2013, In : Security Motorcycle Courier 
Transportation Of Jewellery Box/Jewellery. From Liverpool to Llangollen, North Wales. Wednesday 6th November.
Had to transport several pieces of jewellery and a jewelley box. Was informed total worth of consignments was around £18,000. That's why working as a motorcycle courier its important to get properly insured. Was emailed photos of the pieces I had to pick up.

So got my gear together and off I went. Pick up was hassle free, it takes no time getting to Liverpool. North Wales is a nice pl...

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Strange Delivery Destination

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, November 6, 2013, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Working as a motorcycle courier you deliver consignments to some strange places. Sometimes I deliver legal papers for Solicitors to their clients. One such place I delivered to was like something out of a horror film. The place was out in the sticks and was hard to find. Had to ride down a very narrow country lane which was full of pot holes and unkept hedges on either side. It seemed to go on for miles. It was the middle of winter, the sky was grey, and all I could hear was the noise of my m...
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Urgent Parcel Delivery

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, October 28, 2013, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Urgent Parcel Delivery from Warrington to Cardiff. Monday October 28th.
Had an early call from a Warrington company who had been let down by their usual courier and needed a parcel delivering to central Cardiff by 12 noon. It takes under 3 hours to get there by motorcycle, it would take alot less if the route didn't have alot of speed traps, and the Newport Police are always on the look out for speeding motorcycles.

Picked up the parcel and straight on the M6, its a straight forward route with...
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Transportation Of Valuable Necklace

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, October 27, 2013, In : Security Motorcycle Courier 
Transportation of Valuable Necklace from Manchester to London. Friday 25th October.
Had a call from a lady who needed an antique necklace picking up from her late Grandmothers house in Manchester and delivering it to her at London. There was no time deadline, but she wanted the necklace delivered the same day.
With items like these I lock them away in a steel lock box, which is then locked in a Backpack. With her Grandmother recently deceased I talked through everything slowly and put everythin...
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Minister Says Priority Is To Keep People Riding

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, October 21, 2013, In : Motorcycle News 
Motorcycle riding government minister Mike Pennington says he's on a mission to make life safer, simpler and fairer for motorcyclists, and remove some of the many hurdles that put people off. Speaking to the BMF's government relations executive, Chris Hodder, Penning was keen to stress the importance of not only training riders, but also educating them in the importance of being properly equipped for riding. 'Its not so much about getting people on two wheels, but rather getting people to sta...
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Security Motorcycle Courier

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, October 18, 2013, In : Security Motorcycle Courier 
For delivery of Valuable Consignments we are one of the safest carriers. Vans that usually transport valuable consignments are heavily armoured but still not totally safe. They are slow and easy targets. The couriers at Spartan Motorcycle Couriers are expert advanced motorcycle riders.

They are Security Operatives that also double as Motorcycle Escorts. Experts at taking evasive action, and one of the fastest on the road so uncatchable. High performance motorcycles in the right hands are exce...
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Tom Tom Rider 2 Motorcycle Satellite Navigation

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, October 18, 2013, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Satellite Navigation is essential for a motorcycle courier. Delivering consignments across the UK needs to be done as quickly as possible. Most of the consignments delivered are time critical and have to be delivered before a certain time. The Tom Tom Rider 2 Sat Nav is very easy to use. The touch screen is bright and the tabs are large.

 It has many settings including the fastest or quickest route options, which is handy if a speedy delivery is essential. The charger is wired to the battery a...
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Triumph Speed Triple R

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, September 1, 2013, In : British Motorcycles 

The Triumph Speed Triple is Hinckley's best selling model, with over 50,000 shifted since its launch in 1994, the naked bike is an icon, instantly recognisable and a machine that encapsulates the fresh spirit within Triumph. And now the spirit has gained even more sporting ability.

Price : £11,299 (£11,899 with ABS)
Engine : 1050cc 12v dohc inline triple
Power : 133bhp@9400rpm
Torque : 82lb.ft@7750rpm
Transmission : 6 speed, chain drive
Tyres : 120/70-17; 190/5-17
Kerb Weight : 212kg
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