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Showing Tag: " motorcycle riding gear" (Show all posts)

Motorbike clothing

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, In : Motorcycle Accessories 
If you’re travelling at any kind of normal road speed when you come off your motorcycle, you’re likely to skid along the road surface and suffer from road rash. Road surfaces will shred through jeans and normal clothes on impact so it’s vital that your riding clothes can withstand abrasions and skids as well as impact.

What material?

There is a reason so many bikers wear leather, and it’s not just for the typical biker look. Leather is robust and copes well in motorbike accidents becaus...

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Motorcycle Helmets

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, January 16, 2014, In : Motorcycle Riding Gear 
A motorcycle helmet is the single most important piece of motorcycle clothing you will buy and not just because they are a legal requirement. The right motorcycle helmet fitted correctly could save your life in an accident. If you ever have to put a motorcycle helmet to the test and I hope you never do you'll be glad your wearing a good one.

There is no need to spend a fortune to get a motorcycle helmet that will provide an adequate level of protection. All motorcycle helmets sold in the UK h...
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