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Showing Tag: " motorcycle security" (Show all posts)

Keeping your motorcycle safe

Posted by Susan Hale on Sunday, December 8, 2019, In : Motorcycle Security 
Cover it up!

If you’re familiar with the phrase ‘out of sight, out of mind’ then you will appreciate that when it comes to preventing potential theft this is actually really good advice.

Why? Because if a thief can’t see your shiny new sports bike beneath a dirty old rain cover then maybe - just maybe - they’ll not be tempted to take it for a ride. In fact, it’s such a simple yet effective advice that even the UK motorcycling industry body - the MCIA, began distributing free motorcy...

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Securing your motorbike

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, July 25, 2017, In : Motorcycle Security 
Motorcycle theft remains a big problem in the UK, with around 60 machines stolen every day. Any bike owner, or prospective bike owner, should take the issue of machine security seriously.

However, it’s not just a case of locking your bike up securely. After all, bike theft can happen at any time, wherever you may be. Some machines are stolen from home (inside a garage or not); some from the street; some from work; and others when you’re out and about. So, it’s obvious that different type...

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Motorcycle security at home

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, November 1, 2015, In : Motorcycle Security 
A high percentage of motorcycle thefts are from the owner's home. Here are some things to consider whenever your motorcycle is at home.
  • Where possible, always keep the motorcycle in a securely locked garage. Never rely solely on the standard lock on a garage door, these are usually hopelessly inadequate. Fit an additional locking mechanism to the door and consider having the garage alarmed. A security light, activated by a movement sensor is always a good investment.
  • Always secure the motorcycl...

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