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Showing Tag: " riding in bad weather" (Show all posts)

Riding your motorcycle in bad weather ( part three )

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, November 27, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Riding on wet roads

Wet roads reduce tyre grip. Give yourself plenty of time and room for slowing down and stopping. Keep well back from other vehicles. On a wet road, you should allow at least double the braking distance for a dry road.

After a spell of dry weather, rain on the road can make the surface even more slippery. Take extra care, especially when cornering. Be aware that different road surfaces might affect the grip of your tyres.


As well as reducing tyre grip water can also redu...
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Riding your motorcycle in bad weather ( part two )

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, November 19, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Keep your battery in good condition. In cold weather an electric starter places big demands on the battery.


Always keep your lights and indicators clean and check for faulty bulbs. Dirty lights can seriously reduce - how far you can see - how well other people can see you and your signals.

Weather and vision

The biggest single danger to any rider is being unable to see properly. You won't be able to make the right decisions if you can't see the road clearly.


Heavy rain on your visor or ...
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Riding your motorcycle in bad weather ( part one )

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, October 24, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
The weather in the British Isles is varied and uncertain. You can expect to encounter virtually all weather conditions at some time. The weather presents particular hazards for the motorcyclist.

You need to think about how you're going to - protect yourself from the elements - adapt your riding to suit the conditions.

Your motorcycle

Whatever the weather, make sure your motorcycle is in good condition and regularly checked and serviced. Contending with the elements can be difficult but having to...
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