24 Hour Courier Service

Showing Tag: "delivery destination" (Show all posts)

Another Strange Delivery Destination

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, December 1, 2013, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Working as a motorcycle courier you meet people from all walks of life and deliver consignments to some strange places and people. Solicitors must have it in for me as the strangest places and people I've delivered to have all been solicitors clients. This one was no exception. Had to deliver documentation to a lady living out in the sticks. It was pouring with rain and had been for a couple of days. The roads were fine until I hit the green belt, as every biker knows some country roads are a...
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Strange Delivery Destination

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, November 6, 2013, In : Motorcycle Couriers 
Working as a motorcycle courier you deliver consignments to some strange places. Sometimes I deliver legal papers for Solicitors to their clients. One such place I delivered to was like something out of a horror film. The place was out in the sticks and was hard to find. Had to ride down a very narrow country lane which was full of pot holes and unkept hedges on either side. It seemed to go on for miles. It was the middle of winter, the sky was grey, and all I could hear was the noise of my m...
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