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Showing Tag: "motorbike riding" (Show all posts)

Riding Long Distance

Posted by Jeff Davis on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, In : Motorcycle Riding Tips 
Motorcycle riding is a passion shared by many around the world, but it is also a highly personal undertaking. When you’re riding long distances alone or with a few buddies, it can feel as if you’re the only one left in the world. It’s just you and the landscape with only miles of road in-between.

However, many bikers have ridden those roads before and will ride them long after you’ve hung up your helmet for good. They have been through it all–popped tires, wet gear, lost keys–and t...

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Responding To Hazards On A Motorcycle

Posted by Spartan Motorcycle Couriers on Thursday, July 29, 2021, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Being prepared for hazards will help you to spot them early and take action in good time to keep you and other road users safe.

Getting a clear view

While you’re riding, it’s important to keep scanning the road ahead and around you so that you can spot potential hazards in good time: the sooner you spot a hazard, the easier it is to take action and avoid an incident.

There may be things along the road that limit what you can see, such as parked cars or overhanging trees. If you cannot see cl...

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Beginners Guide To Riding Your Motorbike In Winter

Posted by Kate Morris on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding a motorcycle comes with many responsibilities. Conscientious riders need the right awareness and the proper gear to ride safely. Not only are the normal issues that come with riding amplified in the winter weather, but it has many issues of its own that cause havoc for bikers every year, especially those who ride into it unprepared.

Knowing the gear that’s available to you to make your ride as safe and comfortable as possible is a must in the midst of all the new challenges that come ...

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Motorcycle riding at night

Posted by Harry Moore on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Riding in the dark can be much harder than riding in good light conditions. Even motorcyclists who have been riding for years can struggle once the sun goes down. However, it is not always possible to avoid riding at night. If you do need to ride at night, for whatever reason, you should try to follow these safety tips to help to keep you safe.

Adjusting your Headlights

Before riding in the dark, you must make sure that your headlight is set up properly. The way that your weight sits on a bike ...

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Riding a motorcycle in traffic

Posted by Dawn Chambers on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
For motorcycle riders, there is a distinct difference between riding on suburban and urban roads. Upon entering a city, there are numerous factors riders have to pay attention to that are not nearly as common in smaller towns.

At the same time, street bike riders shouldn't let the big city scare them when it comes to riding. But, it does take the right mentality and know-how to ride in the city safely. Here are 5 tips on riding a motorcycle in the city:

Stay Focused And Scan Everything Around Y...

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Looking ahead while riding

Posted by Dale Hampson on Wednesday, August 28, 2019, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
The most significant part of riding a bike is looking forward. Having the option to look forward, having the option to see what's significant, is an indispensable component of cruiser riding. 

No doubt that is something everyone is prepared to do, however you will see that there is a lot to find out about looking forward. 

You ride towards where you look, so to get the hang of cornering admirably, you should look the correct way. On traffic, you should figure out how to see undeniably more than...

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Rules for Motorbike Riding

Posted by Gregg Lamb on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
The number of motorbikes in the country are constantly increasing and so is the rate of road accidents connected with motorbike. The thrill of speed when riding a motorbike is really exciting and can send a thousand sensations whenever one would straddle on the powerful motorbike. But some motorbike drivers want to test their limitations and would speed up beyond the speed limit that is why there have been so many reported road accidents related to motorbike driving. Aside from the speed the ...

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Motorcycle riding tips

Posted by Mark Wall on Friday, March 8, 2019, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
One of the coolest things that you can do in these modern times is get on board a motorcycle. The speed at which you can push your cycle through open roads, tight turns, and keep a semblance of control is one of the major reasons that this is not something that should be missed. If you really want to feel alive, get on board and hit the throttle to open up the engine to maximum movement. When you're planning on either learning or just going forth into the world in this fashion, make sure that...

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Preparing for winter riding

Posted by James Morris on Friday, March 8, 2019, In : Motorcycle Safety 
If you have the alternator to power the stuff, and dealing with all the wires and thermostats doesn't get in your way... or the price tag... you can cut the layers... and invest in heated clothing... but the fact is... not that many bikes have the alternator power to run 'em... and you end up pulling the needed juice out of your battery...

I've found, here in Colorado, I ran ride just fine, with a grin on my face... wrapped up in totally 'energy free' winter motorcycle riding gear!

Once your bi...

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Motorcycle riding tips

Posted by Martin Harris on Friday, March 8, 2019, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
With Spring fast approaching I thought it would be a good idea to start publishing a few motorcycle riding tips that you can practice once you dust off your bike and get it ready for Daytona Bike week or your first spring ride. One thing I hear from a lot of motorcyclists is that they have been riding for some many years and do not need to practice any riding skills. This is just an ignorant statement to make and often fueled by ego and pride. I have seen veteran riders of twenty years; do th...

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Protecting yourself as a motorcycle rider

Posted by Nicolas Morris on Sunday, September 9, 2018, In : Motorcycle Safety 
In the last ten years, the fatality rate of motorcycle riders has nearly doubled. In 1999, there were 22.75 fatalities per 100,000,000 miles traveled by motorcycles in the United States. In a recent study in 2009 the numbers are around 40 per 1 million miles traveled by riders!

Not only have the number of deaths gone up in the US, the number of motorcycles on the road has gone up too, which makes sense. The increase in motorcycle sales has alarmed some people as the more motorcycles on the roa...

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Group motorbike riding

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, January 12, 2018, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
While group motorbike ride-outs can be a fun leisure activity, safety should always be the rider’s first priority. 


Before passing a vehicle, ensure there is ample space and visibility. Keep an eye out for debris in the road, excessive wind, and other vehicles’ mirrors to avoid hitting them. Motorcyclists should always pass in the centre of the lane to avoid other vehicles’ blind spots.

Appoint a Road Captain

This person should direct the group of bikers and organise the trip. They ...

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Motorbike riding in winter

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, January 10, 2018, In : Motorbike Riding Tips 
Winter is here and night time is getting earlier and earlier, and this summer is feeling more and more like a distant memory. At this time of year, a lot of people will be putting their bikes safely in the garage for a few months – but what about those of us who like to ride for the whole year round? Whether you’re a winter riding newbie or a frost-hardened, full-bearded veteran, there’s always new bits of kit coming out to make life easier, and as riders, we’re always learning new tr...

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Braking on a motorcycle

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, December 9, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Many of us start riding bicycles as youngsters and are either taught, or quickly learn that heavy use of the front brakes can either result in the front wheel skidding out of control, or grip so harshly that you end up being tossed over the handlebars. From this often stems a fear around the use of the front brakes on a bicycle, which will often naturally follow through to motorcycle braking.

Before I get into braking techniques, the most important aspect of a motorcyclists dependency on the b...

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How to corner at speed on a motorbike

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, December 8, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Get an idea about the nature of the corner 

While riding the motorcycle, it is better to look to the far in front and if any corner seems to be ahead, the bike rider should try to guess that type of that corner. If there is any signboard, it should be read carefully and even if there is none, it is better to have a view of the corner, as far as possible. If the corner is not clearly visible from a distance, the rider will just see that the road seems to vanish at a distance. If the outer and i...

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Off-road motorbike riding

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
A key skill every Adventure Rider should acquire is the ability to ride confidently off-road. Large Adventure Motorcycles can be difficult to manage in the dirt because of their weight and bulk. You can get away with a lack of dirt riding skills on small dirt bikes, but an Adventure Bike can hurt you if you don’t know what you are doing.

Often times, riders try to learn on their own with only a few dirt riding tips from a friend. This kind of trial and error approach can cause a lot of anxie...

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Riding your motorbike at night

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Riding your motorcycle at night is completely different than riding it during the day. Some motorcyclists enjoy the isolation of riding at night. Others hate it for the loss of visibility and vision, and will avoid it at all costs. Sooner or later, you’re bound to find yourself on your bike during the night time, so its important to know what unique hazards you must deal with when the sun goes down.

Riding a motorcycle after dark can be an great experience for some. You can focus on the ride...

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Riding your motorcycle in large cities

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, July 18, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Checking your skills are ready for city roads

The good news is BikeSafe holds regular rider skills days in some UK cities for motorbikes above 125cc which will give you an assessment on your current abilities and provide advice to help make your riding safer and more enjoyable.

To help new riders of smaller engined motorbikes, BikeSafe also runs ScooterSafe courses, especially aimed at moped and scooter riders.

Make sure your bike matches your needs and your ability

Motorbikes vary in design and ...

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Advanced Motorcycle Riding Course

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, June 15, 2017, In : Advanced Motorcycle Riding Course 
It is amazing the amount of money that is spent on motorcycles making them look better, go faster and stop quicker. Doing an Advanced Motorcycle Training course will help you achieve all of these and will cost you a lot less whilst gaining up to 17% discount from all the leading bike insurers in the UK.

The Enhanced Rider Scheme (ERS) is all about getting the most from your riding and your machine. With advanced motorcycle training you will:

  • Increase your riding skills and abilities
  • Learn to avo...

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Motorcycle Safety

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, May 24, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Whether it's a quick trip to the corner shop for a few things, or a two-week touring trip with friends, there are plenty of things you can do to ensure your motorcycle riding is safe and enjoyable.

It would be nice if the road was always smooth, and without bumps, but those bumps, potholes, breakdowns, lost riding moments and more are out there. The best way to avoid trouble from these instances is to be prepared. You can also improve your own safety, as well as that of your passengers and mot...

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Motorcycle training Warrington, Liverpool, Manchester, Merseyside, Cheshire.

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, November 30, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
All of us at Spartan Motorcycle Couriers are advanced motorcycle riders. We are qualified motorcycle trainers, so in the near future will be running CBT ( Compulsory Basic Training ) courses, DAS ( Direct Access Scheme ) courses, and a post test training course to sharpen and enhance your riding skills. 

Our experience and knowledge is second to none and along with fantastic tuition, you can pass your motorcycle tests with sustainable life skills, greater safety and genuine road-craft. We will...
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Riding your motorcycle in bad weather ( part three )

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, November 27, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Riding on wet roads

Wet roads reduce tyre grip. Give yourself plenty of time and room for slowing down and stopping. Keep well back from other vehicles. On a wet road, you should allow at least double the braking distance for a dry road.

After a spell of dry weather, rain on the road can make the surface even more slippery. Take extra care, especially when cornering. Be aware that different road surfaces might affect the grip of your tyres.


As well as reducing tyre grip water can also redu...
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Riding your motorcycle in bad weather ( part two )

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, November 19, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Keep your battery in good condition. In cold weather an electric starter places big demands on the battery.


Always keep your lights and indicators clean and check for faulty bulbs. Dirty lights can seriously reduce - how far you can see - how well other people can see you and your signals.

Weather and vision

The biggest single danger to any rider is being unable to see properly. You won't be able to make the right decisions if you can't see the road clearly.


Heavy rain on your visor or ...
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Riding your motorcycle in bad weather ( part one )

Posted by Howard Trott on Monday, October 24, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
The weather in the British Isles is varied and uncertain. You can expect to encounter virtually all weather conditions at some time. The weather presents particular hazards for the motorcyclist.

You need to think about how you're going to - protect yourself from the elements - adapt your riding to suit the conditions.

Your motorcycle

Whatever the weather, make sure your motorcycle is in good condition and regularly checked and serviced. Contending with the elements can be difficult but having to...
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Riding a motorcycle on motorways ( part six )

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, October 22, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
To rejoin the motorway

Don't pull straight out onto the carriageway. Use the hard shoulder as an acceleration lane to build up speed before joining the left-hand lane when there's a gap.


Accidents can often happen at roadworks when drivers fail to observe simple rules of safety. So - reduce speed in good time when warned by the advance warning signs or flashing signals - Get into the lane indicated for use by your motorcycle in good time - Obey all speed limits - Keep the correct separ...
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Riding a motorcycle on motorways ( part five )

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, September 11, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
End of motorway

There will be end of motorway signs at all exits. These mean that the road you're joining will have different rules. Remember to watch for any signs telling you what these are, particularly - speed limits - dual carriageway - two-way traffic - clearway - motorway link road - part-time traffic lights.


Speed when leaving motorway

After riding at motorway speeds for some time, your judgement of speed will almost certainly be affected, 40 or 45 mph seems more like 20 mph - adjust yo...
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Riding a motorcycle on motorways ( part two )

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, August 2, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Speed limit signs

Signs which display a speed limit within a red ring indicate mandatory maximum speed limits. You must obey these signs, if you don't you risk prosecution. Black and white rectangular signs recommend maximum speed limits which you should observe.


Signals will warn of dangers ahead, such as - accidents - fog - icy roads.

Flashing amber lights

Look out for flashing amber lights and signs, either on the central reservation or overhead. These warn you of - lane closures - road...
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Riding a motorcycle on motorways ( part one )

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
You must make sure your motorcycle is safe and in good working order. Motorways must not be used by - pedestrians - cyclists - horse riders - holders of provisional car and motorcycle licences.

In addition the following vehicles must not be used on a motorway - motorcycles under 50cc - certain slow moving vehicles with oversized loads, except with special permission - most invalid carriages - agricultural vehicles. Due to the demanding nature of motorways, make sure that - you have a thorough ...
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Defensive motorcycle riding ( part three )

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, June 17, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Lighting conditions

In the dark, seeing hazards is more difficult. The clues are there, but you have to pick them out. Look for illuminated road signs, reflectors between white lines, the glow of vehicle headlights on buildings, trees and hedges indicating bends and junctions.

In the dark, it can be difficult to judge distances and speed from headlights, headlights on vehicles make it difficult to see pedestrians, cyclists and any vehicle with dim lights. Don't let shop and advertising lights d...
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Defensive motorcycle riding ( part two )

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Approaching green traffic lights

Ask yourself - how long have they been on green ? - are there many vehicles already waiting at either side of the junction ? ( if there's a queue, the lights are probably about to change ) - do I have time to stop ? - can the vehicle behind me stop ? - if it's a large goods vehicle, it might need a greater distance to pull up.


Try to beat the traffic signals by accelerating or leave it until the last moment to brake - harsh braking causes skids.


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Defensive motorcycle riding ( part one )

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, April 28, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Defensive motorcycle riding is based on effective observation, good anticipation and control. It's about always questioning the actions of other road users and being prepared for the unexpected, so as not to be taken by surprise. Defensive motorcycle riding involves - awareness - planning - anticipating - staying in control and riding with - responsibility - care - consideration and courtesy. It means putting safety above all else. It's about having real concern, not only for your own safety,...
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Motorcycle Leathers

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, February 12, 2016, In : Motorcycle Riding Gear 
Since the start of motorcycling it was apparent that something was needed to protect the exposed human body from the elements. The natural solution was leather. The leather motorcycle jacket, not only serves as a fashion statement, but is an essential piece of equipment to any serious biker for keeping warm, dry, and in one piece. A good quality leather jacket combined with leather motorcycle trousers will act as a second skin between you and the road, and can save you from serious injury. 


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You need a safe motorcycle helmet

Posted by Frank Medley on Wednesday, November 25, 2015, In : Guest Motorcycle Articles 

As someone who rides their motorcycle frequently, you know that there are many dangerous situations out there on the road. You can easily get crowded by an aggressive or inattentive driver, who isn't paying attention to where you are on the road. You can also get caught in bad weather that you weren't expecting. A good driver knows that the best way to stay safe in these situations is to drive prudently and cautiously. But you can also invest in your safety in other ways, like by buying and w...

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