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Showing Tag: "motorcycle safety" (Show all posts)

Tips For Motorbike Safety

Posted by Jude Price on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Make motorcycle riding safety your top priority!

Operating a motorcycle takes different skills than driving a car; however, the laws of the road apply to every driver just the same. A combination of consistent education, regard for traffic laws and basic common sense can go a long way in helping reduce the amount of fatalities involved in motorcycle accidents on a yearly basis. It's important to understand some basic motorcycle safety tips to make sure your next ride is a safe one.

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6 ways to make sure you don't have a Motorbike Accident

Posted by John Adams on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
One of the most important aspects of riding a bike is safety, which is unfortunately often neglected. This aspect becomes even more important when they are delivery bike riders. Because they need to increase the speed and efficiency of their services.

Riding a motorbike is different than driving a car, but the rules on the road are the same for everyone. Factors such as awareness, respect for traffic laws, and common sense saves you and others from fatalities associated with motorcycle acciden...

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Maintaining motorcycle safety

Posted by Howard Trott on Friday, March 8, 2019, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Riding a motorcycle rides skill and an overall awareness of what needs to be done in order to stay safe in every situation. There are a number of things that can be done to maintain a high level of motorcycle safety on each and every ride that one takes.

Motorcycle Safety Course

If you're a beginner in the world of riding motorcycles, or need a refresher course on safety and driving techniques, then a motorcycle safety course can benefit you. Safety courses provide you with the skills and knowl...

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Motorcycle Safety

Posted by Dave Morris on Saturday, October 27, 2018, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Motorcycles have always been a thrilling and efficient way to get around. Since its invention in 1867, the two-wheeled machine has memorized thousands upon thousands of people. It has been used by some for daily transportation and others as a weekend hobby.

Motorcycle Development

In 1867, Sylvester Howard Roper's invention called the motorcycle featured a two-cylinder steam-engine that was powered by coal. By 1885 Gottlieb Daimler used a wooden bike frame to produced the first ever gas powered ...

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Motorcycle Safety

Posted by Chris Foster on Thursday, September 20, 2018, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Motorcycles have always been a thrilling and efficient way to get around. Since its invention in 1867, the two-wheeled machine has memorized thousands upon thousands of people. It has been used by some for daily transportation and others as a weekend hobby.

Motorcycle Development

In 1867, Sylvester Howard Roper's invention called the motorcycle featured a two-cylinder steam-engine that was powered by coal. By 1885 Gottlieb Daimler used a wooden bike frame to produced the first ever gas powered ...

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Motorcycle safety checks

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, September 23, 2017, In : Motorcycle Safety 


Make sure you test your brakes before heading out. Get on the bike and test both front and rear brakes. It is important to check the break pads in case you have of a disc break (hydraulic breal), or adjust the break in case you have a drum break. Also, drum brakes might simply require a new set of shoes. Finally , if you have disk breaks, it is also important to check the brake fluids or the actual disk.

Engine Oil

Check the engine oil according t...

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Motorcycle Safety

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, May 24, 2017, In : Motorcycle Riding Skills 
Whether it's a quick trip to the corner shop for a few things, or a two-week touring trip with friends, there are plenty of things you can do to ensure your motorcycle riding is safe and enjoyable.

It would be nice if the road was always smooth, and without bumps, but those bumps, potholes, breakdowns, lost riding moments and more are out there. The best way to avoid trouble from these instances is to be prepared. You can also improve your own safety, as well as that of your passengers and mot...

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Motorcycle Safety Tips (Part Four)

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, March 23, 2017, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Avoid Distraction

We all know distracted driving is a bad idea, but it's worse when you're riding a motorbike. One of the keys to staying safe on a motorcycle is staying hyper-aware of everything that's going on around you. Remember, motorcycles are tough for drivers to see –especially drivers in large cars or vans. You need to see and avoid them, rather than bet on them seeing you. If you're fiddling with your phone or iPod, you're reaction time is cut by several precious seconds, putting y...
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Motorcycle Safety Tips (Part Three)

Posted by Howard Trott on Thursday, March 23, 2017, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Educate Your Passengers

Part of the fun of having a motorbike is having someone on the back. Having a passenger with their arms around you as you cruise the open road can be quite romantic. But your passenger has a part to play in keeping both of you safe.

Make sure anyone you carry on your motorbike has the right gear. Like you, they should wear sturdy shoes and protective clothes. You should also practice having a passenger, especially if they're bigger than you, in a safe place, like a car p...
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Motorcycle Safety Tips (Part Two)

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, March 19, 2017, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Look Twice

This tip is more for drivers than bikers, but it's so important that it's worth mentioning here: Look for motorcycles. Motorcycles are small and tough to see. That means many drivers miss them, causing collisions that are often fatal to the motorcycle rider.

Keep your eyes and ears open for motorcycles. Lots of bikes have loud exhaust systems specifically to draw drivers' attention. Use that to your advantage. But you still need to look out for quiet bikes. Look twice before changing...
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Motorcycle Safety Tips (Part One)

Posted by Howard Trott on Sunday, March 19, 2017, In : Motorcycle Safety 
Wear a Helmet

The most important thing you can do to stay safe on a motorcycle is wear a helmet. Helmets protect your head, and head injuries are the leading cause of death for motorcycle riders. Your brain just wasn't meant to be exposed.

Of course, wearing a helmet isn't enough. You need to wear the right helmet. Lots of places sell novelty helmets that look good but don't protect you. Look for a Department of Transportation-approved helmet. Those helmets have been tested and provide a minimu...
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