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Showing Tag: "royal enfield" (Show all posts)

Royal Enfield Motorcycles

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, May 5, 2018, In : British Motorcycles 
Through necessity, and in common with most other engineering companies of the day, Enfield didn’t restrict themselves to one line. They also made lawnmowers, bicycles and rifle parts for a Small Arms factory in Enfield. A clue lies in their logo which depicts a cannon, which I have to say, is infinitely better than a lawn mower. Their motto of ‘Made like a gun, Goes like a bullet’ is also evidence of their military involvement. In 1907, the company joined forces with a business with the...

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Royal Enfield Desert Storm

Posted by Howard Trott on Saturday, November 16, 2013, In : British Motorcycles 
Thousands of Royal Enfield Bullets were painted olive drab green, and desert beige during the Second World War, and saw action on all fronts. The Indian Army used them from 1949, and that paved the way for them still being around today.
I still look on the Royal Enfield as being a British Motorcycle even though its now made in India. Hence I've put this blog in the British Motorcycle category. As for the Desert Storm, far from being cheesy retro lash-ups, this Desert Storm ( and its Battle Gre...
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