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Showing category "Motorbike Riding" (Show all posts)

Riding your motorbike in rain or snow

Posted by Jed Morris on Thursday, March 14, 2019, In : Motorbike Riding 
If you live in a climate where rain and snow are the norm during the winter months, your motorcycle probably spends most of the time in storage while you wait for more favourable riding conditions. Then at the first sign of warm weather, you pull on your leather pants and motorcycle chaps and hit the road ready to inaugurate a new riding season. However, along the way you might discover that the glimmer of sunshine was just a teaser and you find yourself riding in inclement weather. A rain sh...

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Motorbike a great way to travel

Posted by Kim Morgan on Thursday, March 14, 2019, In : Motorbike Riding 
Motorcycles are designed to meet many tasks, and vary significantly depending on what purpose they are going to serve.

Uses for motorbikes are many: 
  • In today's busy world of commuting, where traffic jams, road works and general congestion are a daily occurrence, a motorbike seems to be the solution. Economical commuter bikes are the way to go. With built-in storage for luggage, a lightweight frame and economical fuel consumption, town bikes are a perfect solution to urban travel.

  • Where speed an...

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Motorbike rides in Europe

Posted by Simon Davis on Thursday, March 14, 2019, In : Motorbike Riding 

Italy is located in the south end of Europe surrounded by France and Austria, it is known for its historic art and culture and its great attractions such as the coliseum in Rome and the leaning tower of Pisa.

Across Italy there are several different types of fantastic roads available that provide the thrills and views you want from the roads. If you are looking for something along the coast sea then the Mont Saint Michel roads offer fantastic views across the sea and a great place to visi...

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Motorbike riding UK

Posted by Howard Jones on Thursday, March 14, 2019, In : Motorbike Riding 
Automobiles and homes are the two largest investments that many people make. Some cars today even costs as much as some lower cost homes in town. Just down the street here there is a home in foreclosure that is listed for around $40,000. It is a frame home with a small lot, but is on a nice street. Around the corner, I drove by a new car lot that was sporting signs on their windshields that say, "Sale! $42,000 New Luxury Car". With the amount of money that people spend on cars and automotive ...

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